Errors during installing ORBit on NCR Unix SYSvR4


During the installation of ORBit on the NCR Unix box, I got the following
messages when compiling the code in ./libIDL directory:

	Unresolved external symbols:  __IDL_lex_init()
	Unresolved external symbols:  __IDL_lex_cleanup()

After a bit searching, I found out that these functions were defined in
lexer.l file. Also, there is a lexer.c file with the size of zero. I am not
sure how lexer.l and lexer.c are related, but I do not have a .c file with
the definitions of the above functions (that is why I am getting the
"Unresolved external symbols" errors).
I have repeated the process on my Linux box, and lexer.c has a non-zero
size, and it also has the definitions of the above functions.
What am I missing? How can I generate the lexer.c on the NCR Unix?


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