
	An initial tentative API frozen release of ORBit2 has been
made. Whilst it is expected that the C API will be stable - there are
some as yet un-committed POA re-organisations that are pending.

	These are unlikely to affect user code - even bonobo [ which
grubs with ORBit2 very intimately ] should be unaffected by the
pending patch - so, a fairly hard API freeze.

	It is also possible, but unlikely, that the scripting API
might need extending slightly.

* What's new in ORBit2

	+ Targets CORBA 2.4 instead of CORBA 2.2

	+ Theoreticaly thread safe - but it ain't yet.

	+ In conjunction with linc allows all manner of new transports

	+ Smaller - a lot of work has gone into substantialy shrinking the
	cost of large interfaces, at the expense of some

	+ Protection against malicious / badly formed wire data

	+ Type centric - we can manipulate type data, and do fast in-proc
	bindings via the new type and invocation interfaces.

	+ Uses glib mainloop

	+ "URL for IOR" to allow retrieving an IOR via HTTP

	+ Cleaner - many code cleans, a nicer directory structure,
	more complete implementations of many things, etc. etc.

	+ Tested - a far more comprehensive and stressful set of stress

	+ Memory leaks - memory management is only for megalomaniacs.

	+ Lots of bugs fixed, and new ones created.

* Who do I adulate for all this ?

	The bulk of the initial work is down to Elliot Lee, and
various people whose ideas he fused liberaly Kennard White, Sebastian
Wilhelmi - the polishing and recent work down to Mark McLoughlin,
Martin Baulig and myself.

* Where do I get it ? (when mirrors sync)


 mmeeks@gnu.org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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