Using the Object in the server


I have a CORBA-Object that I want to update in the server.
How can I do this?
I don't want to use the CORBA-Functions, because that is not neccessary,
but though there is no server-variable I don't know how to do it.
If my object has for instance the variable status, and I would in the
of the skeletonfunctions write server->ststus = "rrr",
what do I have to write in the server to have the same effect?

  CORBA_ORB                 orb;
   CORBA_Environment*        ev;
   PortableServer_ObjectId*  oid;
   Calculator                calculator;
   PortableServer_POA        root_poa;
   PortableServer_POAManager pm;
   CORBA_char*               objref;
is not working.
Sadi Yigit.

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