Re: poa issue


On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> 	The problem here is that we are finalizing the servant as it is
> exectuing a request. If you read, you'll see that the poa is
> not supposed to complete the object's deactivation until all requests
> are completed.

	If we want to intelligently allocate the servant to be part of the
BonoboObject [ so we can do fast, clever BonoboObject <-> Servant mappings
] how do we deallocate the thing without doing utterly evil delayed
finalization hackery [ as in bonobo-1.0 ] etc. ?

> 	The correct fix is not to call finalize at all, but let the
> POA call it, which it does.

	I really dislike the coupling of the GObject lifecycle - with all
the hacks that entails to the servant lifecycle. It means leaving this
object around, that we know to be defunct - and beyond its useful life,
and leaving it open to further method invocations [ such as redundant
unrefs etc. ], and leaving potentialy large objects around in an ugly

> 	So the moral of the story is - remove the call to finalize.
> The POA will do it.

	I don't find this solution particularly elegant at all.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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