Why Bonobo???

I'm currently developing an application which should provide a well
defined object model to draw several kinds of informations to the X Root
Window (from the filter based syslog to the network activity monitor
like etherape). The point is that the core application provides only the
drawing primitives, the event handling and the window layout management.
The clients do the rest (eg. syslog parsing). 
And the client/server communication is done with CORBA. Know I use
Orbit. But the application should be fully integrated with Gnome. And
all the Gnome applications use bonobo.
Why ??? Where is my advantage by using that fucking slow piece of
software??? And I'am also very disappointed about the strange API.

Thank you for the Information.
And please excuse my strange enlish ... *g*


  Joachim Rosskopf - LX networking - 
  Email:	mailto://Joachim.Rosskopf@lx-networking.de
  Web:		http://www.lx-networking.de

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