~{;X84~}: Strings in ORBit

Hi! Rene
-----Original Message-----
~{7"<~HK~}: Rene Maldonado <renfin telnor net>
~{JU<~HK~}: orbit-list gnome org <orbit-list gnome org>; CORBA
<corba-dev randomwalk com>
~{HUFZ~}: 2000~{Dj~}11~{TB~}7~{HU~} 2:02
~{VwLb~}: Strings in ORBit

>Hi All,
>I have a problem I can't pass a string from the server to the client, in
>fact, a pass the string, from the point of view of the client,
>everithing is OK, I call the client, an the string appear on the screen,
>but on the server side an error occur:
>** ERROR **: file allocators.c: line 114 (ORBit_free): assertion failed:
>(block->magic == 0xdeadbeef)
>Aborted (core dumped)
>Any one know what can I do???
>if I pass an integer, a short, or any numeric type, nothing hapens,
>everithing is OK.
Here is a sample to return string

    CORBA_char * ren;
    ren    =CORBA_string_alloc (REN_LEN);
    return ren;

or you can use ren=CORBA_string_dup (anotherstring);
and then return it;

In ORBit, CORBA_string_alloc (LEN) is defined as
    return ORBit_alloc(LEN+1,NULL,NULL);


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