Re: Compiling Online Desktop

Hi Manuel,

El mié, 26-03-2008 a las 08:24 +0100, Manuel Rego Casasnovas escribió:
> But now I have a new unresolved problem on module mugshot, next I 
> paste the error:
> checking for libxul-unstable... no
> checking for Gecko SDK in /opt/gecko-sdk... no
> configure: error: Must either specify --with-gecko-sdk=DIR or
> --with-gecko-idl=DIR

I could compile Online Desktop in Ubutu/Gutsy and I've had the same
problems you write in the mail. The problem with Gecko SDK is solved
adding this line to your file ".jhbuildrc" where you add the path to
"sdk" and the path to "idl":

module_autogenargs['mugshot'] = autogenargs +


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