r7209 - in bigboard/trunk: . applet atom bigboard bigboard/stocks/apps bigboard/stocks/files bigboard/stocks/google_calendar bigboard/stocks/mail bigboard/stocks/mugshot_photos bigboard/stocks/people bigboard/stocks/self bigboard/stocks/workspaces bigboard/themes data gdata gdata/calendar gdata/docs

Author: otaylor
Date: 2008-01-15 13:55:02 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 7209

PhotoStock.py: Rewrite to use data model
stock.py PeopleStock SelfStock AppsStock CalendarStock: Modify
  AbstractMugshotStock to use the data model and have _model/on_ready()
  by default.
profile.py presence.py global_mugshot.py: Remove usage of old hand-rolled
  D-BUS interfaces.

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk
Name: svn:ignore
   - Makefile

   + Makefile

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/applet
Name: svn:ignore
   - BigBoard_Applet.server

   + GNOME_OnlineDesktop_BigBoardFactory.server

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/atom
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/global_mugshot.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/global_mugshot.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/global_mugshot.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -13,56 +13,9 @@
 _logger = logging.getLogger("bigboard.Mugshot")
-class ExternalAccount(AutoSignallingStruct):
-    pass
-class ExternalAccountThumbnail(AutoStruct):
-    pass
-class Entity(AutoSignallingStruct):
-    """Abstract superclass of a Mugshot entity such as person, group, or feed; see
-    subclasses."""
-    pass
-class Person(Entity):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(Person, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.__requesting_accts = False
-        self.__external_accounts = None
-    def get_external_accounts(self):
-        # FIXME - server needs to notify us
-        if self.__external_accounts is not None:
-            return self.__external_accounts
-        elif not self.__requesting_accts:
-            self.__requesting_accts = True
-            mugshot = get_mugshot()
-            mugshot.get_person_accounts(self)
-    def set_external_accounts(self, accts):
-        self.__requesting_accts = False
-        self.__external_accounts = accts
-        self.emit("changed")
-class Group(Entity):
-    pass
-class Resource(Entity):
-    pass
-class Feed(Entity):
-    pass
 class Mugshot(gobject.GObject):
-    """A combination of a wrapper and cache for the Mugshot D-BUS API.  Access
-    using the get_mugshot() module method."""
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        "initialized" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
-        "connection-status": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)),
-        "self-known" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
-        "network-changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
-        "pref-changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT))
-        }    
+    """This class is a wrapper for the non-data-model D-BUS API's we use from the data model
+    engine. Access using the get_mugshot() module method."""
     def __init__(self, issingleton):
@@ -79,46 +32,20 @@
-        self.__create_im_proxy()
-        self.__iqcachedir = os.path.expanduser("~/.bigboard/iqcache")
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(self.__iqcachedir)
-        except OSError, e:
-            pass        
     def __reset(self):
         # Generic properties
-        self.__baseprops = None
-        self.__connection_status = (None, None, None)
-        self.__self_proxy = None
-        self.__self = None
-        self.__self_path = None
-        self.__prefs = {}
-        self.__network = None
-        self.__entities = {} # <str>,<Entity>
         self.__endpoint_id = None
-        self.__external_iqs = {} # <int>,<function>
-    def get_im_proxy(self):
-        return self.__im_proxy
     def __create_proxy(self):
              bus = dbus.SessionBus()
              self._logger.debug("creating proxy for %s" % globals.bus_name)
              self.__proxy = bus.get_object(globals.bus_name, '/org/mugshot/Mugshot')
-             self.__proxy.connect_to_signal('ConnectionStatusChanged', self.__on_connection_status_changed)
-             self.__proxy.connect_to_signal('PrefChanged', self.__on_pref_changed)            
-             self.__proxy.connect_to_signal('ExternalIQReturn', self.__externalIQReturn)
-             self.__get_connection_status()    
-             self.__proxy.GetBaseProperties(reply_handler=self.__on_get_baseprops, error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)
              self.__mugshot_dbus_proxy = bus.get_object(globals.bus_name, '/com/dumbhippo/client')             
              self.__mugshot_dbus_proxy.RegisterEndpoint(reply_handler=self.__on_register_endpoint, error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)
@@ -133,244 +60,26 @@
          except dbus.DBusException:
             self.__ws_proxy = None        
-    def __create_im_proxy(self):
-         try:
-             bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-             self.__im_proxy = bus.get_object(globals.bus_name, '/org/freedesktop/od/im')
-         except dbus.DBusException:
-            self.__im_proxy = None
     def __on_dbus_name_owner_changed(self, name, prev_owner, new_owner):
         if name == globals.bus_name:
             if new_owner != '':
                 self._logger.debug("owner for %s changed, recreating proxies", globals.bus_name)
-                self.__create_ws_proxy()
-                self.__create_im_proxy()
                 self.__proxy = None
                 self.__ws_proxy = None
-                self.__im_proxy = None
     def __on_register_endpoint(self, id):
         self.__endpoint_id = id
-    def __on_connection_status(self, has_auth, connected, contacts):
-        self._logger.debug("connection status auth=%s connected=%s contacts=%s" % (has_auth, connected, contacts))
-        self.__connection_status = (has_auth, connected, contacts)
-        self.emit("connection-status", has_auth, connected, contacts)         
-    def __get_connection_status(self):
-        self.__proxy.GetConnectionStatus(reply_handler=self.__on_connection_status,
-                                         error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_connection_status_changed(self):
-        self._logger.debug("connection status changed")        
-        self.__get_connection_status()
-    def current_connection_status(self):
-        return self.__connection_status
-    def get_pref(self, key):
-        if self.__prefs.has_key(key):
-            return self.__prefs[key]
-        return None
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_pref_changed(self, key, value):
-        self._logger.debug("pref %s changed: %s", key, value)  
-        changed = False
-        if not self.__prefs.has_key(key):
-            changed = True            
-            self.__prefs[key] = value
-        elif self.__prefs[key] != value:
-            changed = True
-            self.__prefs[key] = value
-        if changed:
-            self.emit("pref-changed", key, value)
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __externalIQReturn(self, id, content):
-        if self.__external_iqs.has_key(id):
-            #self._logger.debug("got external IQ reply for %d (%d outstanding)", id, len(self.__external_iqs.keys())-1)
-            (cb, iqkey) = self.__external_iqs[id]
-            if iqkey:
-                iqfile = os.path.join(self.__iqcachedir, iqkey)
-                open(iqfile, 'w').write(content)
-            cb(content)            
-            del self.__external_iqs[id]
-    def get_entity(self, guid):
-        return self.__entites[guid]
-    @log_except(_logger)
     def __on_dbus_error(self, err):
         # TODO - could schedule a "reboot" of this class here to reload
         # information
         self._logger.error("D-BUS error: %s", err)
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_self_changed(self):
-        self.__self_proxy.GetProperties(reply_handler=self.__on_get_self_properties,
-                                        error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)        
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_get_self(self, myself_path):
-        self._logger.debug("got self path: %s" % (myself_path,))
-        self.__self_proxy = dbus.SessionBus().get_object(globals.bus_name, myself_path)
-        self.__on_self_changed()
-        self.__self_proxy.connect_to_signal("Changed", 
-                                            self.__on_self_changed, 
-                                            'org.mugshot.Mugshot.Entity')
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_get_self_properties(self, myself):
-        self._logger.debug("self properties: %s" % (myself,))
-        if self.__self:
-            self.__self.update(myself)
-        else:
-            self.__self = Person(myself)
-            self._logger.debug("emitting self known")
-            self.emit("self-known")  
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_get_baseprops(self, props):
-        self.__baseprops = {}
-        for k,v in props.items():
-            self.__baseprops[str(k)] = v
-        self.emit("initialized")
-    def __get_baseprop(self, name):
-        return self.__baseprops and self.__baseprops[name] or None
-    def get_baseurl(self):
-        return globals.get_baseurl()
-    def get_initialized(self):
-        return True
-    def get_self(self):
-        if self.__self is None:
-            self.__proxy.GetSelf(reply_handler=self.__on_get_self, error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)
-            return None
-        return self.__self
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_get_network_entity_props(self, proxy, attrs, connect=False):
-        self._logger.debug("entity properties: %s", attrs)
-        guid = attrs[u'guid']
-        if not self.__network.has_key(guid):
-            entity_type = attrs['type']
-            entity_class = {'person': Person, 'group': Group, 
-                            'resource': Resource, 'feed': Feed}
-            self.__network[guid] = entity_class[attrs['type']](attrs)
-            self.emit("network-changed")
-        else:
-            self.__network[guid].update(attrs)        
-        if connect:
-            proxy.connect_to_signal("Changed", 
-                                    functools.partial(self.__on_get_network_entity_props, None),
-                                    'org.mugshot.Mugshot.Entity')
-    @log_except(_logger)
-    def __on_get_network(self, opaths):
-        self._logger.debug("got network reply %s", opaths)
-        self.__network = {}
-        for opath in opaths:
-            proxy = dbus.SessionBus().get_object(globals.bus_name, opath)
-            proxy.GetProperties(reply_handler=functools.partial(self.__on_get_network_entity_props, proxy, connect=True),
-                                error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)              
-    def get_network(self):
-        if self.__network is None:
-            self.__proxy.GetNetwork(reply_handler=self.__on_get_network, error_handler=self.__on_dbus_error)
-            return None
-        return self.__network.itervalues()
-    def get_cookies(self, url):
-        cookies = self.__ws_proxy.GetCookiesToSend(url)
-        #print cookies
-        return cookies
-    def __iq_key(self, name, xmlns, attrs):
-        return sha.new(name+xmlns+repr(attrs)).hexdigest()
-    def __do_external_iq(self, name, xmlns, cb, attrs=None, content="", is_set=False):
-        """Sends a raw IQ request to Mugshot server, indirecting
-        via D-BUS to client."""
-        if not is_set:
-            # Check the cache
-            iqkey = self.__iq_key(name, xmlns, attrs)
-            iqfile = os.path.join(self.__iqcachedir, iqkey)
-            if os.access(iqfile, os.R_OK):
-                cachedata = open(iqfile).read()
-                gobject.idle_add(log_except(_logger)(cb), cachedata)
-        else:
-            iqkey = None
-        gobject.idle_add(log_except(_logger)(functools.partial(self.__do_external_iq_uncached, iqkey, name, xmlns, cb, attrs=attrs, content=content, is_set=is_set)))
-    def __do_external_iq_uncached(self, iqkey, name, xmlns, cb, attrs=None, content="", is_set=False):
-        if self.__proxy is None:
-            self._logger.warn("No Mugshot active, not sending IQ")
-            return
-        #self._logger.debug("sending external IQ request: set=%s name=%s xmlns=%s attrs=%s (%d bytes)", is_set, name, xmlns, attrs, len(content))
-        if attrs is None:
-            attrs = {}
-        attrs['xmlns'] = xmlns
-        flattened_attrs = []
-        for k,v in attrs.iteritems():
-            flattened_attrs.append(k)
-            flattened_attrs.append(v)
-        id = self.__proxy.SendExternalIQ(is_set, name, flattened_attrs, content)
-        self.__external_iqs[id] = (cb, iqkey)
-    def __on_get_person_accounts(self, person, xml_str):
-        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str) 
-        accts = []
-        for child in xml_query(doc.documentElement, 'externalAccount*'):
-            attrs = xml_get_attrs(child, ['type', 
-                                          'sentiment', 
-                                          'icon'])
-            accttype = attrs['type']
-            if attrs['sentiment'] == 'love':
-                attrs['link'] = child.getAttribute('link')
-            thumbnails = []            
-            try:
-                thumbnails_node = xml_query(child, 'thumbnails')
-            except KeyError:
-                thumbnails_node = None
-            if thumbnails_node:
-                for thumbnail in xml_query(thumbnails_node, 'thumbnail*'):
-                    subattrs = xml_get_attrs(thumbnail, ['src', ('title', True), 'href'])
-                    thumbnails.append(ExternalAccountThumbnail(subattrs)) 
-                #self._logger.debug("%d thumbnails found for account %s (user %s)" % (len(thumbnails), accttype, person)) 
-                attrs['thumbnails'] = thumbnails
-            feeds = []
-            try:
-                feeds_node = xml_query(child, 'feeds')
-            except KeyError:
-                feeds_node = None
-            if feeds_node:
-                for feed in xml_query(feeds_node, 'feed*'):
-                    feeds.append(feed.getAttribute('src'))   
-                attrs['feeds'] = feeds          
-            acct = ExternalAccount(attrs)
-            accts.append(acct)
-        #self._logger.debug("setting %d accounts for user %s" % (len(accts), person))
-        person.set_external_accounts(accts)
-    def get_person_accounts(self, person):
-        self.__do_external_iq("whereim", "http://dumbhippo.com/protocol/whereim";,
-                              lambda node: self.__on_get_person_accounts(person, node),
-                              attrs={'who': person.get_guid()})
     def install_application(self, id, package_names, desktop_names):
         self._logger.debug("requesting install of app id %s", id)
         self.__mugshot_dbus_proxy.InstallApplication(self.__endpoint_id, id, package_names, desktop_names)

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/people_tracker.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/people_tracker.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/people_tracker.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -602,11 +602,12 @@
         # we clear everything and start over.
         contact_props = '[+;name;user [+;photoUrl;mugshotLocalBuddy];aims;aimBuddies [+;icon;statusMessage];mugshotLocalBuddies [+;icon;user];xmpps;xmppBuddies [+;icon;statusMessage];emails;status]'
+        if self.__model.self_resource != None:
+            query = self.__model.query_resource(self.__model.self_resource, "contacts %s" % contact_props)
+            query.add_handler(self.__on_got_self)
+            query.execute()
-        query = self.__model.query_resource(self.__model.self_resource, "contacts %s" % contact_props)
-        query.add_handler(self.__on_got_self)
-        query.execute()
         query = self.__model.query_resource(self.__model.global_resource,
                                             "aimBuddies [+;icon;statusMessage;contact %s]; xmppBuddies [+;icon;statusMessage;contact %s]; mugshotLocalBuddies [+;icon;user;contact %s]" % (contact_props, contact_props, contact_props))

Deleted: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/presence.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/presence.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/presence.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import gobject, dbus
-import libbig
-from libbig.struct import AutoStruct, AutoSignallingStruct
-import global_mugshot
-class Buddy(AutoStruct):
-    """An IM buddy."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        AutoStruct.__init__(self, { 'protocol' : 'unknown', 'name' : None,
-                                    'status' : 'away', 'online' : False })
-class Presence:
-    def __init__(self, issingleton):
-        self._logger = logging.getLogger('bigboard.Presence')
-        if not issingleton == 42:
-            raise Exception("use presence.get_presence()")
-        self.__proxy = None
-        self.__buddies = []
-        global_mugshot.get_mugshot().connect("initialized", lambda mugshot: self.__on_reset())
-    def __reload_buddy_list(self):
-        if not self.__proxy:
-            return
-        self.__buddies = []
-        buddies = self.__proxy.GetBuddyList()
-        for b in buddies:
-            buddy = Buddy()
-            buddy.update(b)
-            self.__buddies.append(buddy)
-    def __on_buddy_changed(self, buddy):
-        self._logger.debug("buddy changed %s" % str(buddy))
-    def __on_reset(self):
-        if self.__proxy:
-            self.__proxy.disconnect_from_signal("BuddyChanged")
-            self.__proxy.disconnect_from_signal("BuddyListChanged")
-        self.__proxy = global_mugshot.get_mugshot().get_im_proxy()
-        if self.__proxy:
-            self.__proxy.connect_to_signal("BuddyChanged", self.__on_buddy_changed)
-            self.__proxy.connect_to_signal("BuddyListChanged", self.__reload_buddy_list)
-            self.__reload_buddy_list()
-    def get_buddies(self):
-        return self.__buddies
-presence_inst = None
-def get_presence():
-    global presence_inst
-    if presence_inst is None:
-        presence_inst = Presence(42)
-    return presence_inst

Deleted: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/profile.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/profile.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/profile.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# this file handles user's "mugshots" (like their /person page or google gadget)
-import logging
-import xml.sax
-import libbig
-import global_mugshot
-# object representing a profile; also a sax handler that can parse the xml form
-class Profile(libbig.struct.AutoStruct, xml.sax.ContentHandler):
-    def __init__(self, guid):
-        super(Profile, self).__init__({ 'name' : None, 'photo' : None, 'who' : str(guid), 'online' : None,
-                                     'home_url' : None, 'onlineIcon' : None, 'accounts' : [], 'stack' : [],
-                                     'email' : None, 'aim' : None})
-    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
-        #print name
-        #print attrs.getNames() # .getValue('foo')
-        if name == 'rsp':
-            if attrs.getValue('stat') != 'ok':
-                raise xml.sax.SAXException, 'failed'
-        elif name == 'userSummary':
-            online = False
-            if attrs.getValue('online') == 'true':
-                online = True
-            self.update({ 'name' : attrs.getValue('name'),
-                          'photo' : attrs.getValue('photo'),
-                          'online' : online,
-                          'home_url' : attrs.getValue('homeUrl') })
-        elif name == 'externalAccount':
-            accounts = self.get_accounts()
-            accounts.append({ 'link' : attrs.getValue('link'),
-                              'type' : attrs.getValue('type'),
-                              'linkText' : attrs.getValue('linkText'),
-                              'icon' : attrs.getValue('icon') })
-        elif name == 'address':
-            type = attrs.getValue('type')
-            if type == 'email':
-                self.update({ 'email' : attrs.getValue('value') })
-            elif type == 'aim':
-                self.update({ 'aim' : attrs.getValue('value') })
-    def characters(self, content):
-        #print content
-        pass
-class ProfileFactory:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._fetcher = libbig.http.AsyncHTTPFetcher()
-        self._mugshot = global_mugshot.get_mugshot()
-        self._baseurl = None
-        self._mugshot.connect("initialized", lambda mugshot: self._sync_baseurl())
-        self._profiles = {}
-        self._callbacks = {}
-    def _sync_baseurl(self):
-        self._baseurl = self._mugshot.get_baseurl()
-    def _download_summary(self, guid):
-        pairs = None
-        try:
-            pairs = self._mugshot.get_cookies(self._baseurl)
-        except:
-            logging.exception('failed to get cookies')
-        self._fetcher.fetch(self._baseurl + 'xml/userSummary?includeStack=true&who=' + guid,
-                            lambda url, data: self._do_load(url, data, guid),
-                            lambda url, exc_info: self._do_load_error(url, exc_info, guid),
-                            cookies=pairs)
-    def _notify(self, guid):
-        p = None
-        if self._profiles.has_key(guid):
-            p = self._profiles[guid] # note that if we failed earlier, p = None here
-        callbacks = []
-        if self._callbacks.has_key(guid):
-            callbacks = self._callbacks[guid]
-            self._callbacks[guid] = []
-        for c in callbacks:
-            c(p)
-    def _do_load(self, url, data, guid):
-        logging.debug("retrieved '%s' (%d bytes) for %s", url, len(data), guid)
-        p = Profile(guid)
-        try:
-            xml.sax.parseString(data, p)
-            self._profiles[guid] = p
-        except xml.sax.SAXException, e:
-            self._profiles[guid] = None
-        self._notify(guid)
-    def _do_load_error(self, url, exc_info, guid):
-        logging.exception("Caught exception retrieving '%s'", url)
-        self._notify(guid)
-    def fetch_profile(self, guid, callback):
-        guid = str(guid)
-        if self._profiles.has_key(guid):
-            callback(self._profiles[guid])
-        else:
-            if self._callbacks.has_key(guid):
-                self._callbacks[guid].append(callback)
-            else:
-                self._callbacks[guid] = [callback]
-            self._download_summary(guid)

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
 import hippo
+from ddm import DataModel
 import big_widgets
-import global_mugshot
 import libbig
 from libbig.singletonmixin import Singleton
 from bigboard.libbig.gutil import *
 from bigboard.libbig.logutil import log_except
+import bigboard.globals as globals
 ## FIXME remove these from the Stock class ... I can't figure out how to
 ## refer to them from outside a Stock instance with them there, anyway
@@ -116,40 +117,24 @@
         raise NotImplementedError()
 class AbstractMugshotStock(Stock):
-    """An abstract class for stocks which use Mugshot.  The most useful
-    method on this class is connect_mugshot_handler. This is deprecated since the
-    old mugshot API in mugshot.py should no longer be used, use the data model."""
+    """An abstract class for stocks which use Mugshot.."""
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(AbstractMugshotStock, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._auth = False
-        self.__have_contacts = False        
-        self._mugshot_initialized = False
-        self._dependent_handlers = []
-        self._mugshot = global_mugshot.get_mugshot()
-        self.__connections = DisconnectSet()
-        id = self._mugshot.connect("initialized", lambda mugshot: self._on_mugshot_initialized())
-        self.__connections.add(self._mugshot, id)
-        if self._mugshot.get_initialized():
-            call_idle(self.__invoke_mugshot_initialized)
+        self._model = DataModel(globals.server_name)
-        id = self._mugshot.connect("connection-status", lambda mugshot, auth, xmpp, contacts: self.__handle_mugshot_connection_status(auth, xmpp, contacts))
-        self.__connections.add(self._mugshot, id)        
+        # There is a minor danger of calling on_ready twice if we start up and then get a
+        # ready notification before going idle; this could be protected with a flag variable
+        self._model.add_ready_handler(self._on_ready)
+        if self._model.ready:
+            call_idle(self.__invoke_on_ready)
-        call_idle(self.__handle_mugshot_connection_status, *self._mugshot.current_connection_status())  
         self.__cursize = None
         self.__box = hippo.CanvasBox()
-    def on_delisted(self):
-        self.__connections.disconnect_all()
-        super(AbstractMugshotStock, self).on_delisted()
     def __sync_content(self):
-        if self._auth:
+        if self._model.self_resource:
             content = self.get_authed_content(self.__cursize)
             if not content:
                 return None
@@ -171,26 +156,16 @@
         self.__cursize = size        
         return self.__sync_content()
-    # protected
-    def get_mugshot_initialized(self):
-        return self._mugshot_initialized
-    def __invoke_mugshot_initialized(self):
-        self._on_mugshot_initialized()        
-    def _on_mugshot_initialized(self):
-        logging.debug("mugshot intialized, hooking up %d handlers", len(self._dependent_handlers))
-        self._mugshot_initialized = True
-        for object, signal, handler in self._dependent_handlers:
-            object.connect(signal, handler)
-        self.__check_ready()            
-    def _on_mugshot_ready(self):
-        """Should be overridden by subclasses to handle the state where mugshot
-        is initialized and connected."""
-        pass
+    def __invoke_on_ready(self):
+        if self._model.ready:
+            self._on_ready()
+    def _on_ready(self):
+        """Should be overridden by subclasses to handle the state where we
+        have connected to the data model (or tried to connected an failed."""
+        pass
     def __handle_mugshot_connection_status(self, auth, xmpp, contacts):
         if auth != self._auth:
@@ -200,17 +175,3 @@
         self.__have_contacts = contacts
-    def __check_ready(self):
-        if self._mugshot_initialized and self.__have_contacts:
-            self._on_mugshot_ready()
-    # protected
-    def connect_mugshot_handler(self, object, signal, handler):
-        """Hook up a GObject signal handler only after the Mugshot
-        object is initialized.  This is useful if your signal handler
-        depends on Mugshot properties such as the base URL."""
-        if self.get_mugshot_initialized():
-            object.connect(signal, handler)
-        else:
-            self._dependent_handlers.append((object, signal, handler))

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/AppsStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/AppsStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/AppsStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import gconf, hippo
 import bigboard.globals as globals
-import bigboard.global_mugshot as global_mugshot
 import bigboard.libbig as libbig
 from bigboard.libbig.gutil import *
 import bigboard.apps_directory as apps_directory
@@ -45,8 +44,6 @@
-        self.__model = bigboard.globals.get_data_model()
         self.__box = CanvasVBox(spacing=3)
         self.__message = hippo.CanvasText()
         self.__message_link = ActionLink()
@@ -81,13 +78,9 @@
         self.__repo.connect('global-top-apps-changed', self.__on_global_top_apps_changed)
         self.__repo.connect('app-launched', self.__on_app_launched)
-        self.__model.add_ready_handler(self.__on_ready)
-        if self.__model.ready:
-            self.__on_ready()
-    def __on_ready(self):
+    def _on_ready(self):
         # When we disconnect from the server we freeze existing content, then on reconnect
         # we clear everything and start over.
         _logger.debug("Connected to data model")
@@ -201,7 +194,7 @@
             # don't display apps that are not installed if the user is not logged in
-            if not self.__model.self_resource and not app.is_installed():
+            if not self._model.self_resource and not app.is_installed():
             display = apps_widgets.AppDisplay(apps_widgets.AppLocation.STOCK, app)
@@ -222,7 +215,7 @@
         #_logger.debug("usage: %s", usage)
-        if usage is False and self.__model.ready and self.__model.global_resource.online:
+        if usage is False and self._model.ready and self._model.global_resource.online:
             self.__set_message("Enable application tracking", 
                                globals.get_baseurl() + "/account")        

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/apps.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/apps.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/apps/apps.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
         _logger.debug("Data model now ready")
         if self.__model.self_resource != None:
-            query = self.__model.query_resource(self.__model.self_resource, "topApplications[+;description;category;categoryDisplayName;packageNames];pinnedApplications[+;description;category;categoryDisplayName;packageNames];applicationUsageEnabled")
+            query = self.__model.query_resource(self.__model.self_resource, "topApplications[+;description;category;categoryDisplayName;packageNames];pinnedApplications[+;description;category;categoryDisplayName;packageNames];applicationUsageEnabled;applicationUsageStart")
             query.add_error_handler(lambda code, msg: self.__on_query_error("self resource", code, msg))

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import gobject, gtk, pango
 import gconf, gnomevfs
 import gnome.ui
-import dbus, dbus.glib
 import hippo
 from pyonlinedesktop.fsutil import VfsMonitor

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import gdata.calendar as gcalendar
 import bigboard.libbig as libbig
-import bigboard.global_mugshot as global_mugshot
 import bigboard.stock as stock
 import bigboard.google as google
 import bigboard.slideout as slideout
@@ -409,6 +408,9 @@
 class CalendarStock(AbstractMugshotStock, google_stock.GoogleStock):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        AbstractMugshotStock.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        google_stock.GoogleStock.__init__(self, 'calendar', **kwargs)
         self.__box = hippo.CanvasBox(orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
         # We keep calendars in a dictionary, referenced by calendar feed links,
         # so that we can get calendar names without updating events that are
@@ -437,10 +439,6 @@
         self.__min_event_range_start = self.__event_range_start
         self.__max_event_range_end = self.__event_range_end
-        # these are at the end since they have the side effect of calling on_mugshot_ready it seems?
-        AbstractMugshotStock.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        google_stock.GoogleStock.__init__(self, 'calendar', **kwargs)
         bus = dbus.SessionBus()
         o = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
         self.__notifications_proxy = dbus.Interface(o, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications')
@@ -450,6 +448,7 @@
     def _on_delisted(self):
+        super(self, CalendarStock)._on_delisted(self)
     def __change_day(self):
@@ -559,8 +558,8 @@
     def update_google_data(self, gobj = None):
-    def _on_mugshot_ready(self):
-        super(CalendarStock, self)._on_mugshot_ready()
+    def _on_ready(self):
+        super(CalendarStock, self)._on_ready()
     def get_authed_content(self, size):

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/mail
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/mugshot_photos/PhotosStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/mugshot_photos/PhotosStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/mugshot_photos/PhotosStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 from bigboard.stock import Stock, AbstractMugshotStock
 from bigboard.big_widgets import CanvasURLImage, CanvasVBox, CanvasHBox, CanvasMugshotURLImage, ActionLink
+_logger = logging.getLogger('bigboard.stocks.PhotosStock')
 class TransitioningURLImage(hippo.CanvasBox, hippo.CanvasItem):
     __gtype_name__ = 'TransitioningURLImage' 
@@ -22,9 +24,8 @@
-    def __init__(self, logger, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         hippo.CanvasBox.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-        self._logger = logger
         self.__current_url = None
         self.__prev_url = None
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
         if url != self.__current_url:
-        self._logger.debug("loaded url=%s", url)
+        _logger.debug("loaded url=%s", url)
         self.emit("loaded", True)
         req_changed = False
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
             scale = (1.0*self.__dimension) / img_height       
-        self._logger.debug("rendering img width=%s height=%s scale=%s", img_width, img_height, scale)
+        _logger.debug("rendering img width=%s height=%s scale=%s", img_width, img_height, scale)
         (x,y,w,h) = self.align(int(img_width*scale), int(img_height*scale))
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
         self.__photobox = CanvasHBox(spacing=6)
-        self.__photo = TransitioningURLImage(self._logger, dimension=self.__photosize)
+        self.__photo = TransitioningURLImage(dimension=self.__photosize)
         self.__photo.connect("loaded", lambda photo, loaded: self.__on_image_load(loaded))
         self.__photo.connect("button-press-event", lambda photo, event: self.__visit_photo())
         self.__metabox = CanvasVBox()
@@ -205,44 +206,56 @@
         self.__person_accts_len = {} # <Person,int>
         self.__bearbox = CanvasVBox()
-        self.__bearphoto = TransitioningURLImage(self._logger, dimension=self.SIZE_BEAR_CONTENT_PX-6)
+        self.__bearphoto = TransitioningURLImage(dimension=self.SIZE_BEAR_CONTENT_PX-6)
         self.__bearphoto.connect("button-press-event", lambda photo, event: self.__visit_photo())        
-        self._mugshot.connect("network-changed", lambda mugshot: self.__handle_network_change())  
-    def _on_mugshot_ready(self):
-        super(PhotosStock, self)._on_mugshot_ready()       
-        self._mugshot.get_network()
+    def _on_ready(self):
+        if self._model.self_resource != None:
+            query = self._model.query_resource(self._model.self_resource, "contacts user [+;lovedAccounts [+;thumbnails +]]")
+            query.add_handler(self.__on_got_self)
+            query.execute()
+    def __on_got_self(self, myself):
+        self.__reset()
     def get_authed_content(self, size):
         return size == self.SIZE_BULL and self.__box or self.__bearbox
     def __visit_photo(self):
-        self._logger.debug("visiting photo for %s", self.__current_image)
+        _logger.debug("visiting photo for %s", self.__current_image)
         if not self.__current_image:
     def __visit_person(self):
-        self._logger.debug("visiting person for %s", self.__current_image)
+        _logger.debug("visiting person for %s", self.__current_image)
         if not self.__current_image:
         libbig.show_url(urlparse.urljoin(globals.get_baseurl(), self.__current_image[0].get_home_url()))
     def __thumbnails_generator(self):
         """The infinite photos function.  Cool."""
-        found_one = False
         while True:
-            for entity in self._mugshot.get_network():
-                accts = entity.get_external_accounts()
-                if not accts:
-                    continue
-                for acct in accts:
-                    if acct.get_thumbnails():
-                        for thumbnail in acct.get_thumbnails():
-                            found_one = True
-                            yield (entity, acct, thumbnail)
+            found_one = False
+            # Iterate through all thumbnails for all "loved accounts" for all contacts.
+            # We don't handle change notification ... if something changes we'll pick
+            # it up next time around. Note the use of temporary copies of lists to avoid
+            # problems if a list is mutated by a change notification while we are iterating it.
+            if self._model.self_resource:
+                for contact in list(getattr(self._model.self_resource, "contacts", [])):
+                    user = getattr(contact, "user", None)
+                    if user != None:
+                        lovedAccounts = getattr(user, "lovedAccounts", None)
+                        if lovedAccounts:
+                            for externalAccount in lovedAccounts:
+                                thumbnails = getattr(externalAccount, "thumbnails", None)
+                                if thumbnails:
+                                    for thumbnail in thumbnails:
+                                        yield (user, externalAccount, thumbnail)
+            # If we didn't find any photos, we go into a "no photos" state; we'll keep on trying
+            # to restart the iterator in the timeout, so when things appear we'll display them
             if not found_one:
@@ -263,70 +276,43 @@
     def __set_image(self, imageinfo):
         self.__current_image = imageinfo
-        (entity, acct, thumbnail) = imageinfo
+        (user, account, thumbnail) = imageinfo
-        self._logger.debug("starting load of url %s" % (thumbnail.get_src(),))
-        self.__photo.set_url(thumbnail.get_src())
-        self.__bearphoto.set_url(thumbnail.get_src())
+        _logger.debug("starting load of url %s" % (thumbnail.src,))
+        self.__photo.set_url(thumbnail.src)
+        self.__bearphoto.set_url(thumbnail.src)
     def __on_image_load(self, success):
         if self.__current_image is None:
-            self._logger.debug("image load complete, but no current image")       
+            _logger.debug("image load complete, but no current image")       
         if not success:
             self.__successive_load_failures = max(self.__successive_load_failures+1, 17)
-            self._logger.debug("image load failed, queueing skip to next")                   
+            _logger.debug("image load failed, queueing skip to next")                   
             gobject.timeout_add(8000 + (2 ** self.__successive_load_failures) * 1000, self.__do_next)
             self.__successive_load_failures = 0
-        self._logger.debug("image load success, syncing metadata")          
-        (entity, acct, thumbnail) = self.__current_image
+        _logger.debug("image load success, syncing metadata")          
+        (user, account, thumbnail) = self.__current_image
-        self.__favicon.set_url(acct.get_icon())
-        self.__title.set_property("text", thumbnail.get_title() or "(untitled)")
+        self.__favicon.set_url(account.iconUrl)
+        title = getattr(thumbnail, "title", None)
+        if not title: title = "(untitled)"
+        self.__title.set_property("text", title)
-        self.__fromname.set_property("text", entity.get_name())
-        self.__fromphoto.set_url(entity.get_photo_url())        
+        self.__fromname.set_property("text", user.name)
+        self.__fromphoto.set_url(user.photoUrl)
     def __idle_display_image(self):
-        self._logger.debug("in idle, doing next image")          
+        _logger.debug("in idle, doing next image")          
         self.__idle_display_id = 0
         return False
-    def __handle_person_change(self, person):
-        need_reset = False
-        accts = person.get_external_accounts()
-        if not self.__person_accts_len.has_key(person):
-            need_reset = True
-            self.__person_accts_len[person] = -1
-        elif accts and self.__person_accts_len[person] != len(accts):
-            self.__person_accts_len[person] = len(accts)
-            need_reset = True
-        if need_reset:
-            self.__reset()
-    def __handle_network_change(self):
-        self._logger.debug("handling network change")
-        for person in self._mugshot.get_network():
-            if not self.__person_accts_len.has_key(person):
-                person.connect("changed", self.__handle_person_change)
-            accts = person.get_external_accounts()
-            self.__person_accts_len[person] = accts and len(accts) or 0
-        not_in_network = []
-        for person in self.__person_accts_len.iterkeys():
-            if not person in self._mugshot.get_network():
-                not_in_network.append(person)
-        for person in not_in_network:
-            self._logger.debug("removing not-in-network person %s", person.get_guid())
-            del self.__person_accts_len[person]
-        self.__reset()
     def __do_direction(self, is_next):
-        self._logger.debug("skipping to %s" % (is_next and "next" or "prev",))
+        _logger.debug("skipping to %s" % (is_next and "next" or "prev",))
             self.__set_image(is_next and self.__next_image() or self.__prev_image())
             if self.__displaymode == 'text':
@@ -335,7 +321,7 @@
             self.__displaymode = 'photo'
         except StopIteration:
-            self._logger.debug("caught StopIteration, displaying no photos text")            
+            _logger.debug("caught StopIteration, displaying no photos text")            
             if self.__displaymode == 'photo':
             if self.__displaymode != 'text':
@@ -352,8 +338,9 @@
     def __reset(self):
-        self._logger.debug("resetting")        
+        _logger.debug("resetting")
         self.__images = self.__thumbnails_generator()
+        self.__images_reverse = []
         self.__displaymode = 'uninitialized'

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/people/PeopleStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/people/PeopleStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/people/PeopleStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
 import logging
 import hippo
-from ddm import DataModel
 import bigboard
 from bigboard.people_tracker import PeopleTracker, sort_people
 from bigboard.stock import AbstractMugshotStock
-import bigboard.globals
 import bigboard.slideout
-import bigboard.profile
 import bigboard.search as search
 import bigboard.libbig as libbig
 import bigboard.scroll_ribbon as scroll_ribbon
@@ -43,8 +40,6 @@
         self.__tracker.people.connect("added", self.__on_person_added)
         self.__tracker.people.connect("removed", self.__on_person_removed)
-        self.__model = DataModel(bigboard.globals.server_name)
         for person in self.__tracker.people:
             self.__on_person_added(self.__tracker.people, person)
@@ -69,7 +64,7 @@
             self.__set_item_size(i, size)
     def __add_person(self, person, box, map):
-        self._logger.debug("person added to people stock %s" % (person.display_name))
+        _logger.debug("person added to people stock %s", person.display_name)
         if map.has_key(person):
@@ -91,6 +86,7 @@
         item.connect('activated', self.__handle_item_pressed)
     def __remove_person(self, person, box, map):
+        _logger.debug("person removed from people stock %s", person.display_name)
             item = map[person]
         except KeyError:

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/self/SelfStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/self/SelfStock.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/self/SelfStock.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -282,10 +282,7 @@
         self._signin.connect("button-press-event", lambda signin, event: self.__do_account())
-        self._model = DataModel(globals.server_name)
         self.__myself = None
-        self._model.add_ready_handler(self.__on_ready)
         self.info_loaded = False
@@ -298,9 +295,6 @@
         #TODO: need to make this conditional on knowing firefox has started already somehow
         #gobject.timeout_add(2000, self.__idle_first_time_signin_check)
-        if self._model.ready:
-            self.__on_ready()
     def __idle_first_time_signin_check(self):
         ws = dbus.SessionBus().get_object('org.freedesktop.od.Engine', '/org/gnome/web_services')
         cookiejar = ws.GetCookiesToSend('http://online.gnome.org')
@@ -324,7 +318,7 @@
             self.info_loaded = True
-    def __on_ready(self):
+    def _on_ready(self):
             protocol_version = self._model.global_resource.ddmProtocolVersion
         except AttributeError, e:
@@ -358,10 +352,6 @@
-    def __handle_mugshot_connection_status(self, auth, xmpp, contacts):
-        self._box.set_child_visible(self._whereim_box, not not auth)
-        self._box.set_child_visible(self._signin, not auth)
     def __do_slideout(self, slideout, widget=None):
         widget_src = widget or self._box
         (box_x, box_y) = self._box.get_context().translate_to_screen(self._box)

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/workspaces
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/themes
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/data
Name: svn:ignore
   + Makefile.in

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/gdata
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/gdata/calendar
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Property changes on: bigboard/trunk/gdata/docs
Name: svn:ignore
   + *.pyc

Modified: bigboard/trunk/main.py
--- bigboard/trunk/main.py	2008-01-15 19:46:04 UTC (rev 7208)
+++ bigboard/trunk/main.py	2008-01-15 19:55:02 UTC (rev 7209)
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
     import bignative
 import bigboard.globals
 import bigboard.google
-import bigboard.presence
 from bigboard.libbig.gutil import *
 from bigboard.libbig.logutil import log_except
 import bigboard.libbig.dbusutil
@@ -957,7 +956,6 @@
     panel = BigBoardPanel(bus_name)
-    #bigboard.presence.get_presence() # for side effect of creating Presence object
     _logger.debug("Enter mainloop")

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