r6854 - in bigboard/trunk: . bigboard bigboard/libbig bigboard/stocks/files bigboard/stocks/google_calendar

Author: hp
Date: 2007-10-31 16:35:40 -0500 (Wed, 31 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 6854

add and invoke a hook when a stock is delisted, and add usage of it to disconnect a few signals in a couple stocks, more usage is needed

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google_stock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google_stock.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google_stock.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import bigboard.google as google
 import bigboard.accounts as accounts
 import accounts_dialog
+import bigboard.libbig.gutil as gutil
 _logger = logging.getLogger("bigboard.Google")
@@ -22,14 +23,23 @@
         self.__action_id = action_id
+        self.__connections = gutil.DisconnectSet()
         accts = accounts.get_accounts()
         for a in accts.get_accounts_with_kind(accounts.KIND_GOOGLE):
-        accts.connect('account-added', self.__on_account_added)
-        accts.connect('account-removed', self.__on_account_removed)
+        id = accts.connect('account-added', self.__on_account_added)
+        self.__connections.add(accts, id)
+        id = accts.connect('account-removed', self.__on_account_removed)
+        self.__connections.add(accts, id)
-        ## FIXME need to unhook everything when stock is removed
+    ## we can't just override _on_delisted() because of multiple inheritance,
+    ## so our subclasses have to override it then call this
+    def _delist_google(self):
+        self.__connections.disconnect_all()
     def __on_account_added(self, acct):
         gobj = google.get_google_for_account(acct)
         gobj.add_poll_action_func(self.__action_id, lambda gobj: self.update_google_data(gobj))

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/gutil.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/gutil.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/gutil.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@
         logger.exception('Exception in idle')        
     return False
+class DisconnectSet(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(DisconnectSet, self).__init__()
+        self.__connections = set()
+    def add(self, object, id):
+        self.__connections.add((object, id))
+    def disconnect_all(self):
+        for (object, id) in self.__connections:
+            object.disconnect(id)
 def call_timeout(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs):
     if 'logger' in kwargs:
         logger = kwargs['logger']
@@ -64,4 +76,4 @@
     watchid = gobject.io_add_watch(subp.stdout.fileno(), gobject.IO_IN | gobject.IO_ERR | gobject.IO_HUP, handle_data_avail)
     return watchid
-__all__ = ['call_timeout', 'call_idle', 'call_timeout_once', 'call_idle_once', 'defer_idle_func', 'read_subprocess_idle']
+__all__ = ['call_timeout', 'call_idle', 'call_timeout_once', 'call_idle_once', 'defer_idle_func', 'read_subprocess_idle', 'DisconnectSet']

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stock.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@
         # For use in subclasses as well
         self._logger = logging.getLogger('bigboard.stocks.' + self._id)  
+    def on_delisted(self):
+        """Called when stock is shut down (removed)"""
+        _logger.debug("on_delisted stock %s" % (self._id))
+        self._on_delisted() ## saves derived classes the need to chain up
+    def _on_delisted(self):
+        """The most-derived concrete stock object can override this instead of on_delisted, then not chain up"""
+        pass
     def get_id(self):
         return self._id
@@ -114,15 +123,26 @@
         self._dependent_handlers = []
         self._mugshot = global_mugshot.get_mugshot()
-        self._mugshot.connect("initialized", lambda mugshot: self._on_mugshot_initialized())
+        self.__connections = DisconnectSet()
+        id = self._mugshot.connect("initialized", lambda mugshot: self._on_mugshot_initialized())
+        self.__connections.add(self._mugshot, id)
         if self._mugshot.get_initialized():
-        self._mugshot.connect("connection-status", lambda mugshot, auth, xmpp, contacts: self.__handle_mugshot_connection_status(auth, xmpp, contacts))
+        id = self._mugshot.connect("connection-status", lambda mugshot, auth, xmpp, contacts: self.__handle_mugshot_connection_status(auth, xmpp, contacts))
+        self.__connections.add(self._mugshot, id)        
         call_idle(self.__handle_mugshot_connection_status, *self._mugshot.current_connection_status())  
         self.__cursize = None
         self.__box = hippo.CanvasBox()
+    def on_delisted(self):
+        self.__connections.disconnect_all()
+        super(AbstractMugshotStock, self).on_delisted()
     def __sync_content(self):
         if self._auth:

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/files/FilesStock.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -230,6 +230,9 @@
         search.enable_search_provider('files', constructor=self.__construct_search_provider)
         #### FIXME need to figure out when to call search.disable_search_provider
+    def _on_delisted(self):
+        self._delist_google()
     def __construct_search_provider(self):
         return FileSearchProvider(stock=self)

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/stocks/google_calendar/CalendarStock.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -447,6 +447,9 @@
+    def _on_delisted(self):
+        self._delist_google()
     def __change_day(self):
         self.__events_for_day_displayed = None

Modified: bigboard/trunk/main.py
--- bigboard/trunk/main.py	2007-10-31 16:42:22 UTC (rev 6853)
+++ bigboard/trunk/main.py	2007-10-31 21:35:40 UTC (rev 6854)
@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@
+    def on_delisted(self):
+        _logger.debug("on_delisted exchange %s" % (str(self)))
+        self.__unrender_pymodule()
     def __toggle_expanded(self):
         self.__expanded = not self.__expanded
@@ -364,6 +368,15 @@
         if self.__ticker_text:
             self.set_child_visible(self.__ticker_container, size == Stock.SIZE_BULL)
+    def __unrender_pymodule(self):
+        if not self.__pymodule:
+            _logger.debug("Not a pymodule exchange")
+            return
+        _logger.debug("delisting pymodule %s" % (str(self.__pymodule)))
+        self.__pymodule.on_delisted()
+        self.__pymodule = None
 class BigBoardPanel(dbus.service.Object):
     def __init__(self, bus_name):
         dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, '/bigboard/panel')
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@
         self.__autohide_id = 0
-        self._exchanges = {}
+        self._exchanges = {} ## metainfo.srcurl to Exchange
         self._canvas = hippo.Canvas()
@@ -482,12 +495,21 @@
     def __sync_listing(self):
         _logger.debug("doing stock listing sync")
-        new_listed = list(self.__stock_manager.get_listed())       
+        new_listed = list(self.__stock_manager.get_listed())
+        new_listed_srcurls = map(lambda mi: mi.srcurl, new_listed)
         for exchange in list(self._stocks_box.get_children()):
             if exchange.get_metainfo().srcurl in self.__hardcoded_stocks:
-            _logger.debug("removing %s", exchange)
+            _logger.debug("unrendering %s", exchange)
+            if exchange.get_metainfo().srcurl not in new_listed_srcurls:
+                _logger.debug("removing %s", exchange)                
+                del self._exchanges[exchange.get_metainfo().srcurl]
+                exchange.on_delisted()
         for metainfo in new_listed:
         _logger.debug("done with stock load")            

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