r6841 - bigboard/trunk/bigboard

Author: hp
Date: 2007-10-26 15:25:41 -0500 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 6841

checkpoint work on accounts stuff, not working yet

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/accounts.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/accounts.py	2007-10-26 20:25:06 UTC (rev 6840)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/accounts.py	2007-10-26 20:25:41 UTC (rev 6841)
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
     def _get_gconf_dir(self):
         return self.__gconf_dir
+    def _set_gconf_dir(self, gconf_dir):
+        self.__gconf_dir = gconf_dir
     def _update_from_origin(self, **kwargs):
         """This is the only way to modify an Account object. It should be invoked only on change notification or refreshed data from the original origin of the account."""
@@ -78,10 +81,13 @@
         "account-added" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), 
         "account-removed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,))
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(Accounts, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.__accounts = set()
+        self.__gconf_accounts = set()
+        self.__weblogin_accounts = set()
+        self.__enabled_accounts = set()
         ## this is a hash from AccountKind to (username, password) from the weblogindriver
         self.__weblogin_info = {}
@@ -101,15 +107,15 @@
-    def find_account_by_kind(self, kind):
-        for a in self.__accounts:
+    def __find_weblogin_account_by_kind(self, kind):
+        for a in self.__weblogin_accounts:
             if a.get_kind() == kind:
                 return a
         return None
     def __find_account_by_gconf_dir(self, gconf_dir):
-        for a in self.__accounts:
+        for a in self.__gconf_accounts:
             if a._get_gconf_dir() == gconf_dir:
                 return a
@@ -120,7 +126,9 @@
         ## note that "kind" is never updated (not allowed to change without
         ## making a new Account object)
-        was_enabled = account.get_enabled()
+        was_enabled = account in self.__enabled_accounts
+        if was_enabled != account.get_enabled():
+            raise Error("account enabled state messed up")
         fields = { }
@@ -150,6 +158,8 @@
             ## persist across restarts.
             fields['enabled'] = False
+            self.__gconf_accounts.remove(account)
         ## second, look at weblogin driver, though we don't want to prefer
         ## its password over keyring, so there's some trickiness
         weblogin_password = None
@@ -161,8 +171,11 @@
             ## if account was not disabled explicitly by gconf, we enable it
             if 'enabled' not in fields:
                 fields['enabled'] = True
+        else:
+            self.__weblogin_accounts.remove(account)
         ## third, look for password in keyring
+        k = keyring.get_keyring()                
         if False:
             ## FIXME
             if 'password' not in fields:
@@ -174,22 +187,23 @@
         ## after compositing all this information, update our account object
-        ## and finally remove the account if it's no longer used
+        ## now add or remove the account from the set of enabled accounts
         if was_enabled and not account.get_enabled():
-            self.__accounts.remove(account)
+            self.__enabled_accounts.remove(account)
             self.emit('account-removed', account)
+        elif not was_enabled and account.get_enabled():
+            self.__enabled_accounts.add(account)
+            self.emit('account-added', account)            
-    def __ensure_and_update_account_for_kind(self, kind):
-        account = self.find_account_by_kind(kind)
+    def __ensure_and_update_weblogin_by_kind(self, kind):
+        account = self.__find_weblogin_account_by_kind(kind)
         added = False
         if not account:
             account = Account(kind)
-            self.__accounts.add(account)
-            added = True
+            self.__weblogin_accounts.add(account)
-        if added:
-            self.emit('account-added', account)
     def __try_ensure_and_update_account_for_gconf_dir(self, gconf_dir):
         account = self.__find_account_by_gconf_dir(gconf_dir)
@@ -210,13 +224,16 @@
         if not kind:
             _logger.error("unknown account kind in gconf")
-        account = Account(kind, gconf_dir=gconf_dir)
-        self.__accounts.add(account)
+        account = self.__find_weblogin_account_by_kind(kind)
+        if account:
+            account._set_gconf_dir(gconf_dir)
+        else:
+            account = Account(kind, gconf_dir=gconf_dir)
+        self.__gconf_accounts.add(account)
-        self.emit('account-added', account)
     def __reload_from_gconf(self):
         gconf_dirs = self.__gconf.all_dirs('/apps/bigboard/accounts')
@@ -245,7 +262,7 @@
         ## now update any old accounts that are no longer in gconf,
         ## which should result in enabled=False
-        for a in self.__accounts:
+        for a in self.__gconf_accounts:
             gconf_dir = a._get_gconf_dir()
             if gconf_dir and gconf_dir not in self.__gconf_info:
@@ -281,4 +298,58 @@
     def __on_dbus_error(self, err):
-        self.__logger.error("D-BUS error: %s", err)
+        self.__logger.error("D-BUS error: %s", err)    
+    def __find_unused_gconf_dir(self, kind):
+        ## find an unused gconf dir
+        i = 0
+        while True:
+            gconf_dir = kind.get_id() + "_" + str(i)
+            if not self.__find_account_by_gconf_dir(gconf_dir):
+                return gconf_dir
+            else:
+                i = i + 1
+    def save_account_changes(self, account, new_properties):
+        gconf_dir = account._get_gconf_dir()
+        if not gconf_dir:
+            gconf_dir = self.__find_unused_gconf_dir(account.get_kind())
+            ## associate the Account with this new gconf dir.
+            ## basically this means if a weblogindriver account
+            ## is modified, it becomes a gconf account also.
+            ## We would also do this on seeing a new gconf
+            ## dir appear in gconf spontaneously, but doing
+            ## it here ensures that we definitely attach
+            ## to the proper previous Account
+            account._set_gconf_dir(gconf_dir)
+            self.__gconf_accounts.add(account)
+        base_key = '/apps/bigboard/accounts/' + gconf_dir
+        def set_account_prop(gconf, base_key, prop, value):
+            gconf.set_value(base_key + '/' + prop, value)
+        set_account_prop(self.__gconf, base_key, 'kind', account.get_kind())
+        if 'username' in new_properties:
+            set_account_prop(self.__gconf, base_key, 'username', new_properties['username'])
+        if 'url' in new_properties:
+            set_account_prop(self.__gconf, base_key, 'url', new_properties['url'])
+        ## enable it last, so we ignore the other settings until we do this
+        if 'enabled' in new_properties:
+            set_account_prop(self.__gconf, base_key, 'enabled', new_properties['enabled'])            
+        ## FIXME set the password in keyring
+    def create_account(self, kind):
+        gconf_dir = self.__find_unused_gconf_dir(kind)
+        base_key = '/apps/bigboard/accounts/' + gconf_dir
+        self.__gconf.set_value(base_key + '/kind', kind.get_id())
+        self.__gconf.set_value(base_key + '/enabled', True)
+    def get_accounts(self):
+        return self.__enabled_accounts

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google.py	2007-10-26 20:25:06 UTC (rev 6840)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/google.py	2007-10-26 20:25:41 UTC (rev 6841)
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 from bigboard.libbig.http import AsyncHTTPFetcher
 from bigboard import libbig
 from bigboard.workboard import WorkBoard
-import bigboard.keyring as keyring
 import libbig.logutil
 from bigboard.libbig.gutil import *
 from libbig.logutil import log_except
@@ -402,8 +401,6 @@
-        k = keyring.get_keyring()
         # this line allows to enter new Google account information on bigboard restarts    
         # k.remove_logins(self.__default_domain)
         self.__mail_checker = None
@@ -504,8 +501,9 @@
     def __on_auth_cancel(self):
         self.__username = None
         self.__password = None
-        # delete it persistently
-        keyring.get_keyring().remove_logins(self.__storage_key) 
+        ## FIXME delete our stored password or mark it as failed somehow (in-process)
         self.emit("auth", False)        
         self.__auth_requested = False

Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/keyring.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/keyring.py	2007-10-26 20:25:06 UTC (rev 6840)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/keyring.py	2007-10-26 20:25:41 UTC (rev 6841)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     def is_available(self):
         return gnomekeyring.is_available()
-    # this can through a TypeError if no matching item is found with 
+    # this can throw a TypeError if no matching item is found with 
     # bignative.keyring_find_items_sync()
     def get_logins(self, whatfor):
         username_password_dict = {} 
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
         if self.is_available():    
                 found = bignative.keyring_find_items_sync(gnomekeyring.ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET,
-                                                          { 'whatfor' : whatfor } )
+                                                          { 'appname' : "BigBoard",
+                                                            'whatfor' : whatfor } )
                 for f in found:
                     gnomekeyring.item_delete_sync('session', f.item_id)
             except TypeError:
@@ -74,7 +75,9 @@
             keyring_item_id = gnomekeyring.item_create_sync('session',
-                                                            dict(appname="BigBoard", whatfor=whatfor, username=username),
+                                                            dict(appname="BigBoard",
+                                                                 whatfor=whatfor,
+                                                                 username=username),
                                                             password, True)
             if self.__ids.has_key(whatfor):
                 self.__ids[whatfor][username] = keyring_item_id

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