r6836 - in bigboard/trunk: . bigboard bigboard/libbig
- From: commits mugshot org
- To: online-desktop-list gnome org
- Subject: r6836 - in bigboard/trunk: . bigboard bigboard/libbig
- Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:06:22 -0500 (CDT)
Author: walters
Date: 2007-10-26 14:06:22 -0500 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 6836
Rebase current shell on Hotwire SVN version.
Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/big_widgets.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/big_widgets.py 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/big_widgets.py 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -404,77 +404,4 @@
if not gconf.client_get_default().get_bool(self.__strut_key):
kwargs['remove'] = True
super(Sidebar, self).do_set_wm_strut(**kwargs)
-class CommandShell(gtk.Window):
- """Every application needs a development shell."""
- def __init__(self, locals={}):
- gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
- self._locals = locals
- self._history_path = libbig.get_bigboard_config_file('cmdshell_history')
- self._save_text_id = 0
- box = gtk.VBox()
- paned = gtk.VPaned()
- self.output = gtk.TextBuffer()
- self.output_view = gtk.TextView(self.output)
- self.output_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
- self.output_view.set_property("editable", False)
- scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
- scroll.add(self.output_view)
- paned.pack1(scroll, True, True)
- self.input = gtk.TextBuffer()
- self.input_view = gtk.TextView(self.input)
- self.input_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
- self.input.connect("changed", self._handle_text_changed)
- scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
- scroll.add(self.input_view)
- paned.pack2(scroll, True, True)
- box.pack_start(paned, True, True)
- eval_button = gtk.Button("Eval")
- eval_button.connect("clicked", self.do_eval)
- box.pack_start(eval_button, False)
- self.add(box)
- try:
- history = file(self._history_path).read()
- self.input.set_property("text", history)
- except IOError, e:
- pass
- self.set_size_request(400, 600)
- self.set_focus(self.input_view)
- def _idle_save_text(self):
- history_file = file(self._history_path, 'w+')
- text = self.input.get_property("text")
- history_file.write(text)
- history_file.close()
- self._save_text_id = 0
- return False
- def _handle_text_changed(self, text):
- if self._save_text_id == 0:
- self._save_text_id = gobject.timeout_add(3000, self._idle_save_text)
- def do_eval(self, entry):
- try:
- output_stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- text = self.input.get_property("text")
- code_obj = compile(text, '<input>', 'exec')
- locals = {}
- for k, v in self._locals.items():
- locals[k] = v
- locals['output'] = output_stream
- exec code_obj in locals
- logging.debug("execution complete with %d output characters" % (len(output_stream.getvalue())),)
- self.output.set_property("text", output_stream.getvalue())
- except:
- logging.debug("caught exception executing")
- self.output.set_property("text", traceback.format_exc())
Added: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/editor.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/editor.py 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/editor.py 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import os, sys, logging, StringIO, traceback
+import cairo, gtk, gobject, pango
+_logger = logging.getLogger("hotwire.Editor")
+ import gtksourceview
+ gtksourceview_avail = True
+ _logger.debug("gtksourceview available")
+except ImportError, e:
+ gtksourceview_avail = False
+ _logger.debug("gtksourceview not available")
+class HotEditorWindow(gtk.Window):
+ def __init__(self, filename=None, content=None, title=None):
+ gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.add(vbox)
+ self.__ui_string = """
+ <menubar name='Menubar'>
+ <menu action='FileMenu'>
+ <menuitem action='Revert'/>
+ <menuitem action='Close'/>
+ </menu>
+ <menu action='EditMenu'>
+ <menuitem action='Undo'/>
+ <menuitem action='Redo'/>
+ </menu>
+ </menubar>
+ self.__create_ui()
+ vbox.pack_start(self._ui.get_widget('/Menubar'), expand=False)
+ self.__filename = filename
+ self.__modified = False
+ self.__save_text_id = 0
+ self.gtksourceview_mode = gtksourceview_avail
+ if gtksourceview_avail:
+ self.input = gtksourceview.SourceBuffer()
+ self.input_view = gtksourceview.SourceView(self.input)
+ self.input.connect('can-undo', lambda *args: self.__sync_undoredo())
+ self.input.connect('can-redo', lambda *args: self.__sync_undoredo())
+ else:
+ self.input = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.input_view = gtk.TextView(self.input)
+ self.input_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ self.input_view.connect("key-press-event", self.__handle_key_press_event)
+ scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
+ scroll.add(self.input_view)
+ vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True)
+ if filename and os.path.isfile(self.__filename):
+ _logger.debug("reading %s", self.__filename)
+ f = open(self.__filename, 'r')
+ self.__original_text = f.read()
+ else:
+ self.__original_text = content
+ if self.__original_text:
+ if gtksourceview_avail:
+ self.input.begin_not_undoable_action()
+ self.input.set_property('text', self.__original_text)
+ if gtksourceview_avail:
+ self.input.end_not_undoable_action()
+ self.input.move_mark_by_name('insert', self.input.get_start_iter())
+ self.input.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', self.input.get_start_iter())
+ self.__statusbar = gtk.Statusbar()
+ self.__statusbar_ctx = self.__statusbar.get_context_id("HotEditor")
+ vbox.pack_start(self.__statusbar, expand=False)
+ self.__sync_undoredo()
+ # do this later to avoid autosaving initially
+ if filename:
+ self.input.connect("changed", self.__handle_text_changed)
+ self.connect("delete-event", lambda w, e: False)
+ self.set_title(title or (filename and self.__filename) or 'Untitled Editor')
+ self.set_size_request(640, 480)
+ def __idle_save_text(self):
+ self.__save_text_id = 0
+ _logger.debug("autosaving to %s", self.__filename)
+ f = open(self.__filename, 'w')
+ text = self.input.get_property("text")
+ f.write(text)
+ f.close()
+ autosaved_id = self.__statusbar.push(self.__statusbar_ctx, 'Autosaving...done')
+ gobject.timeout_add(3000, lambda: self.__statusbar.remove(self.__statusbar_ctx, autosaved_id))
+ _logger.debug("autosave complete")
+ return False
+ def __handle_key_press_event(self, input_view, event):
+ # <Control>Return is the most natural keybinding for save-and-close, but support
+ # <Control>w for compat. This doesn't replicate all the complicated multiple-groups
+ # handling that would goes on inside GTK+, but that's OK for a compatibility crutch
+ if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK != 0 and event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.w, gtk.keysyms.W):
+ self.__handle_close()
+ return True
+ if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape:
+ if self.__modified:
+ dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_NONE,
+ message_format="Revert changes and quit?")
+ dialog.add_buttons("Cancel", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
+ "Revert", gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ self.__handle_revert()
+ self.__handle_close()
+ else:
+ self.__handle_close()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __handle_text_changed(self, text):
+ self.__modified = True
+ if self.__save_text_id == 0:
+ self.__save_text_id = gobject.timeout_add(800, self.__idle_save_text)
+ def __revert_cb(self, action):
+ self.__handle_revert()
+ def __handle_revert(self):
+ self.input.set_property('text', self.__original_text)
+ def __close_cb(self, action):
+ self.__handle_close()
+ def __handle_close(self):
+ _logger.debug("got close")
+ if self.__filename:
+ self.__idle_save_text()
+ self.destroy()
+ def __undo_cb(self, action):
+ self.input.undo()
+ def __redo_cb(self, action):
+ self.input.redo()
+ def __sync_undoredo(self):
+ if not gtksourceview_avail:
+ return
+ self.__actiongroup.get_action('Redo').set_sensitive(self.input.can_redo())
+ self.__actiongroup.get_action('Undo').set_sensitive(self.input.can_undo())
+ def __create_ui(self):
+ self.__actiongroup = ag = gtk.ActionGroup('WindowActions')
+ actions = [
+ ('FileMenu', None, '_File'),
+ ('Revert', None, '_Revert', None, 'Revert to saved text', self.__revert_cb),
+ ('Close', gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, '_Close', '<control>Return', 'Save and close', self.__close_cb),
+ ('EditMenu', None, '_Edit')]
+ if gtksourceview_avail:
+ actions.extend([
+ ('Undo', gtk.STOCK_UNDO, '_Undo', '<control>z', 'Undo previous action', self.__undo_cb),
+ ('Redo', gtk.STOCK_REDO, '_Redo', '<control><shift>Z', 'Redo action', self.__redo_cb),
+ ])
+ ag.add_actions(actions)
+ self._ui = gtk.UIManager()
+ self._ui.insert_action_group(ag, 0)
+ self._ui.add_ui_from_string(self.__ui_string)
+ self.add_accel_group(self._ui.get_accel_group())
Modified: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/http.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/http.py 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/libbig/http.py 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -161,7 +161,11 @@
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
(response, content) = h.request(url, **http_kwargs)
if response.status == 200:
- gobject.idle_add(lambda: self.__emit_results(url, kwargs['cb'], content, is_refetch=is_refetch))
+ resultfn = lambda: self.__emit_results(url, kwargs['cb'], content, is_refetch=is_refetch)
+ if is_refetch:
+ resultfn()
+ else:
+ gobject.idle_add(resultfn)
elif 'response_errcb' in kwargs:
gobject.idle_add(lambda: kwargs['response_errcb'](url, response, content))
elif 'refetch' not in kwargs:
Added: bigboard/trunk/bigboard/pyshell.py
--- bigboard/trunk/bigboard/pyshell.py 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/bigboard/pyshell.py 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import os, sys, logging, StringIO, traceback
+import cairo, gtk, gobject, pango
+from bigboard.editor import HotEditorWindow
+_logger = logging.getLogger("hotwire.PyShell")
+class OutputWindow(gtk.Window):
+ def __init__(self, content):
+ super(OutputWindow, self).__init__(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.add(vbox)
+ self.__ui_string = """
+ <menubar name='Menubar'>
+ <menu action='FileMenu'>
+ <menuitem action='Close'/>
+ </menu>
+ </menubar>
+ self.__create_ui()
+ vbox.pack_start(self._ui.get_widget('/Menubar'), expand=False)
+ self.output = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.output_view = gtk.TextView(self.output)
+ self.output_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ self.output_view.set_property("editable", False)
+ self.output.set_property('text', content)
+ scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
+ scroll.add(self.output_view)
+ vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True)
+ self.set_size_request(640, 480)
+ def __create_ui(self):
+ self.__actiongroup = ag = gtk.ActionGroup('OutputWindowActions')
+ actions = [
+ ('FileMenu', None, 'File'),
+ ('Close', gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, '_Close', 'Return', 'Close window', self.__close_cb),
+ ]
+ ag.add_actions(actions)
+ self._ui = gtk.UIManager()
+ self._ui.insert_action_group(ag, 0)
+ self._ui.add_ui_from_string(self.__ui_string)
+ self.add_accel_group(self._ui.get_accel_group())
+ def __close_cb(self, action):
+ self.destroy()
+class CommandShell(HotEditorWindow):
+ DEFAULT_CONTENT = '''## Hotwire Python Pad
+## Global values:
+## outln(value): (Function) Print a value and a newline to output stream
+## hotwin: (Value) The global Hotwire window
+import os,sys,re
+import gtk, gobject
+ def __init__(self, locals={}, savepath=None):
+ super(CommandShell, self).__init__(content=self.DEFAULT_CONTENT, filename=savepath)
+ self._locals = locals
+ self.__ui_string = """
+ <menubar name='Menubar'>
+ <menu action='ToolsMenu'>
+ <menuitem action='Eval'/>
+ </menu>
+ </menubar>
+ actions = [
+ ('ToolsMenu', None, 'Tools'),
+ ('Eval', None, '_Eval', '<control>Return', 'Evaluate current input', self.__eval_cb),
+ ]
+ self.__actiongroup = ag = gtk.ActionGroup('ShellActions')
+ ag.add_actions(actions)
+ self._ui.insert_action_group(ag, 0)
+ self._ui.add_ui_from_string(self.__ui_string)
+ if self.gtksourceview_mode:
+ import gtksourceview
+ pylang = gtksourceview.SourceLanguagesManager().get_language_from_mime_type("text/x-python")
+ self.input.set_language(pylang)
+ self.input.set_highlight(True)
+ self.input.move_mark_by_name("insert", self.input.get_end_iter())
+ self.input.move_mark_by_name("selection_bound", self.input.get_end_iter())
+ self.set_title('Hotwire Command Shell')
+ def __eval_cb(self, a):
+ try:
+ output_stream = StringIO.StringIO()
+ text = self.input.get_property("text")
+ code_obj = compile(text, '<input>', 'exec')
+ locals = {}
+ for k, v in self._locals.items():
+ locals[k] = v
+ locals['output'] = output_stream
+ locals['outln'] = lambda v: self.__outln(output_stream, v)
+ exec code_obj in locals
+ _logger.debug("execution complete with %d output characters" % (len(output_stream.getvalue())),)
+ output_str = output_stream.getvalue()
+ if output_str:
+ owin = OutputWindow(output_str)
+ owin.show_all()
+ except:
+ _logger.debug("caught exception executing", exc_info=True)
+ owin = OutputWindow(traceback.format_exc())
+ owin.show_all()
+ def __outln(self, stream, v):
+ stream.write(str(v))
+ stream.write('\n')
Modified: bigboard/trunk/configure.ac
--- bigboard/trunk/configure.ac 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/configure.ac 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-AC_INIT(bigboard, 0.5.23, feedback mugshot org)
+AC_INIT(bigboard, 0.5.24, feedback mugshot org)
Modified: bigboard/trunk/main.py
--- bigboard/trunk/main.py 2007-10-26 18:16:55 UTC (rev 6835)
+++ bigboard/trunk/main.py 2007-10-26 19:06:22 UTC (rev 6836)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
import bigboard
import bigboard.big_widgets
-from bigboard.big_widgets import Sidebar, CommandShell, CanvasHBox, CanvasVBox, ActionLink, Button
+from bigboard.big_widgets import Sidebar, CanvasHBox, CanvasVBox, ActionLink, Button
from bigboard.stock import Stock
import bigboard.libbig
@@ -657,8 +657,10 @@
def Shell(self):
if self.__shell:
- self.__shell = CommandShell({'panel': self,
- 'scratch_window': self.__create_scratch_window})
+ import bigboard.pyshell
+ self.__shell = bigboard.pyshell.CommandShell({'panel': self,
+ ' scratch_window': self.__create_scratch_window},
+ savepath=os.path.expanduser('~/.bigboard/pyshell.py'))
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