Moving to Discourse

Hi all;

it has been a couple of months since GNOME started to host a
Discourse[0] instance, which was generally well received.

In contrast, almost all activity on this mailing list is generated by spammers.

We therefore decided to follow the example set by gtk-devel-list and
gtk-app-devel-list, and archive the list. This means no new
subscriptions, and no new email.

If you have questions about getting started with GTK, GLib, and
general GNOME development, please use the Discourse instance hosted on
GNOME infrastructure from now on.

You can use existing single-sign on systems, like Google and Github,
to authenticate yourself; if you have a GNOME LDAP account already,
you're strongly encouraged to use that method of authentication.

You can still use email to interact with Discourse, and a guide is
available[2] to configure your account.

If you have any questions or feedback on Discourse, please use the
appropriate category[3].



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