Re: [gnome-love] Query reagrding contribution

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Pramiti Goel <pramitigoel20 gmail com> wrote:
I am Pramiti Goel. I wish to participate in next OPW round. I know c/c++ and
wanted to start with gnome.

How should i start ?
which module should i build ?

Please tell me  when list of projects will come for next round, or can i
have certain idea which module like evolution, easy tag, evince etc is
probable to be in the next round. So i can start debugging from that module?

Hiya Pramiti!  Thanks for a taking an interest in GNOME!  It seems
like you've got a basic undersatnding of the modules.  Was there one
you were interested in?  The current list is here:

When you find one, I would mail the mentors and ask if they have plans
for a project for the next round.  The current around has already
started.  Let us know what might be of interest to you and we will try
to help you out.


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