Re: [gnome-love] jhbuild build error - vala


unfortunately some of us can't read Turkish.  :)  Could you build again, using this command which will produce output in English?

$ LANG=C make


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Ebru Akagunduz <ebru akagunduz gmail com> wrote:
I cloned libmpd and i install it smoothly. But when i applied gmpc make step, i am getting error:

ebru@ubuntu:~/workspace/gmpc$ make

Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1080:3: hata: programda serseri '\260'
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1080:25: hata: expected ':' or '...' before 'DE_TEXT'
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1080:25: UYARI: 'DE_TEXT' yaftası tanımlı ama kullanılmamış [-Wunused-label]
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c: '_vala_gmpc_progress_set_property' fonksiyonunda:
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1094:3: hata: programda serseri '\304'
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1094:3: hata: programda serseri '\260'
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1094:25: hata: expected ':' or '...' before 'DE_TEXT'
Widgets/gmpc-progress.c:1094:25: UYARI: 'DE_TEXT' yaftası tanımlı ama kullanılmamış [-Wunused-label]
make[3]: *** [gmpc-progress.o] Hata 1
make[3]: `/home/ebru/workspace/gmpc/src' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[2]: *** [all] Hata 2
make[2]: `/home/ebru/workspace/gmpc/src' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Hata 1
make[1]: `/home/ebru/workspace/gmpc' dizininden çıkılıyor
make: *** [all] Hata 2

2013/5/15 Adam Dingle <adam medovina org>

OK, great.  You certainly don't need to build Vala - you can simply install it like this:

$ sudo apt-get install valac-0.20

In fact, you won't need to use jhbuild to build anything.  I just built gmpc on my system (I'm running Ubuntu 13.10, by the way) to see what you need to do.  It's pretty easy.  You'll need to build only two packages from source: libmpd (which gmpc depends on) and gmpc itself.  Here we go:

1. Get the sources for libmpd:

2. Build and install it:

$ cd libmpd
$ sudo apt-get build-dep libmpd
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install

3. Get the sources for gmpc:

$ cd ..

4. Build and install:

$ cd gmpc
$ sudo apt-get build-dep gmpc
$ sudo apt-get install libglyr-dev   (another library I think you will need)
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install

I think that will work.  If you run into trouble, let us know again here and we'll try to help.  cheers -


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Ebru Akagunduz <ebru akagunduz gmail com> wrote:

I am using Ubuntu Gnome 13.04, i want to contribute to gmpc so i should build vala.

15 May 2013 23:28 tarihinde "Adam Dingle" <adam medovina org> yazdı:

that's great that you'd like to contribute to GNOME!

You might not actually need to build the whole world (including Vala) using jhbuild - it depends on what you want to do.  Which distribution (operating system) are you running, and which version of it?  Which program(s) were you hoping to contribute to?


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Ebru Akagunduz <ebru akagunduz gmail com> wrote:

2013/5/15 Ebru Akagunduz <ebru akagunduz gmail com>
Hi, i want to contribute gnome projects, i sent patch before and again i want to contribute it. So i am installing jhbuild. But i am getting error and i couldn't find out it. 
$ jhbuild build --nodeps
make: *** [all] Hata 2
*** Error during phase build of vala: ########## Error running make -j 5 *** [18/159]

  [1] Rerun phase build
  [2] Ignore error and continue to install
  [3] Give up on module
  [4] Start shell
  [5] Reload configuration
  [6] Go to phase "wipe directory and start over"
  [7] Go to phase "configure"
  [8] Go to phase "clean"
  [9] Go to phase "distclean"

I tried all coice but couldn't install vala. How can i find out this error?

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