Re: [gnome-love] SW Developer want to contribute. How to start?

Qui, 2010-09-23 às 12:57 +0200, Carsten Petersen escreveu:
Thank you all for your replies.
I consider using emacs. I have used emacs some years doing working on
a Unix platform.

emacs, vim, gedit or even nano will suit well for GTK development. So
it's up to you.

But have do I get the sources for Gnome.
I have started building a local environment by using 'jhbuild'.
Is that the correct directions?

Well it's not strictly necessary to pick all GNOME using jhbuild but
it's very desirable to use jhbuild because some modules require
libraries newer than the current stable release.
Jhbuild is really easy to setup[1].

I am working in a Ubuntu 10.4 distribution.

Why are people not using integrated environments, like Eclipse,
Netbeans or Anjuta?

Well most of the people don't use IDE's because they are heavy in
resources and don't have much C/C++/Perl/python (probably the most used
languages to develop GTK applications) support. But Anjuta is a powerful
IDE developed for GNOME and it's really good to get started. If you're
planning to develop C#/mono applications take a look at monodevelop it's
very powerful and supports code completion.

Hope it helps


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