[gnome-love] Creating Launcher Inconsistency #426196

Hello GNOME (and freedom) lovers :)


This bug is a bit of a thorn in my side, I've written a patch but it has
remained unreviewed for some time. As federico has renewed some interest
in GNOME main menu by assigning someone to profile and improve the
performance it may be that this makes it into the next version of GNOME.

For GNOME main menu to make it into GNOME proper it is important that
inconsistencies like this are repaired, this single patch brings
the .desktop editing in the panel into alignment with the current
features of nautilus, allowing the user to specify the GenericName tag.
I know there has been some discussion regarding the implications of
using GenericName however I think if we're even to begin moving forward
and making a decision on how GenericName can be used elsewhere (e.g.
menu bar applet) we should at least bring both of the current .desktop
editing techniques into alignment.

I propose that we get this patch in by GNOME 2.22 if possible and then
we'll at least have the functionality there.

Any thoughts?

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