[gnome-love] pmount replaced by gnome-mount, HELP!

I'm running Sid and I'm really excited about GNOME 2.18 starting to
trickle in on my systems.  However, I've noted a regression that
probably is due to my lacking information: my LUKS encrypted USB key
doesn't get mounted :-(

It used to get mounted as /media/Foo (Foo is the label of the
filesystem inside the encrypted block device).  After the latest
upgrade, which pulled in gnome-mount and pushed out pmount, it doesn't
get mounted at all.  The device appears in /dev, after a dialogue pops
up asking me for the password.  The "mapping device" is created as well
as /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_<guid>.  I can manually mount the "mapping
device".  I was playing around with gnome-mount a little:

 % gnome-mount --display-settings --device /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_<guid>
 gnome-mount 0.6
 libhal-storage.c 1401 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError was not set.
 ** (gnome-mount:3871): WARNING **: Given device '/dev/mapper/luks_crypto_<guid>' is not a volume or a drive.
 % gnome-mount --display-settings --device /dev/sdb
 gnome-mount 0.6
 libhal-storage.c 1401 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError was not set.
 Displaying settings for volume (overrides drive settings)
 hal udi: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_<guid>
 % gnome-mount --mount-point Foo --hal-udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_<guid>
 gnome-mount 0.6
 % mount | grep Secret

So, how do I get gnome-mount to deal with my LUKS encrypted USB key?
It doesn't seem to have any problems with non-encrypted USB keys.


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org             Jabber: magnus therning gmail com

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