Re: [gnome-love] Tinderbox (automatic daily build) for GNOME

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 16:41 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
Hi Jerome, hi Guillaume,

Guillaume Desmottes wrote:

2. Get a small group of people who keeps this machine up and running.
Any volunteers besides myself wanting to help with this?
I'm system administrator and I could personally help in this.

Also, if a chroot on a Debian dual-AMD64 machine is enough, I can maybe
offer the hosting it also. Building it on this machine, which is almost
unused at the moment would be really fast. As I have no experience with
jhbuild so far, I would need help to set it up.

I use regularly jhbuild (and i confirm, it's a pain to have all modules
building), so I should be able to help you with this if needed.

And I have some experience with buildbot; let's arrange a meeting for
this excellent Brussels team :)

Buildbot is probably much more advanced than jhbuild, but many GNOME
hackers and people wanting to become GNOME hackers use jhbuild to build

I remember when I started to build GNOME from CVS for the first time it
cost me loads of time to get stuff building because I simply didn't know
if CVS was broken or if my setup was not right (not the right automake,
libraries etc. etc.). Having a tinderbox webpage which showed the output
of a daily jhbuild, would already have been very helpful at that time.

So my suggestion would be to simply use jhbuild, because that is the
buildtool that everybody is using. Then we immediately also test if
jhbuild is working OK.

Setup could be very easy to start with: Just a simple cron script that
does a "jhbuild tinderbox" at for example 12AM and 12PM and writes the
output html pages to a webserver.

What do the people from Brussels and others think about this? 

Jerome, can you still offer your machine and the hosting?


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