Re: [gnome-love] Tinderbox (automatic daily build) for GNOME

On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 09:25:24AM -0500, Luis Villa wrote:
On 3/27/06, Julien Gilli <julien gilli wengo fr> wrote:

On 3/27/06, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:
When I looked at buildbot last year it seemed like setting it up to
build multiple, consecutive, interdependent tarballs (i.e., gnome)

Could you please give us further details about what was the technical
problem by the time you tried?


* understand dependencies in that list, so that if a build of glib
fails, the entire run restarts, but if a build of gok (or something
else which nothing depends on) fails, the run continues after gok.

* distinguish between build and test failures. If *building* gtk
fails, the failure needs to be reported and the entire build run must
restart. If an obscure a11y test of gtk fails, the failure must be
reported and the build *must continue*, otherwise there would never be
a successful build.

Hi guys,

I'm interested in this topic, in our company we have been using mozilla
tinderbox for some time (, in order to
integrate some applications based on Gnome. We already have a public
tinderbox server with projects, you can see an example here:

In my opinion this tool is powerful but it has some lacks, it can be
integrated with other mozilla tools (bonsai, bugzilla, lxr) but for instance
the configuration is a mess and you have to modify perl scripts to change
some behavior. Regarding the integration with jhbuild and the features Luis
has pointed out, mozilla-tinderbox would require to get the ordered list of
modules and maybe call each phase separately (checkout, configure, build,
install, test, etc.) to have a more detailed control of the process. Also
the system can distinguish the build and the test phase. I don't know any
detail of buildbot so I can't compare both systems, maybe someone in the
list can help with this.

Anyway, we can help with this kind of tools and the integration environment
regarless the selected solution, we can even ask for some resources here to
carry out the compilation and use our integration server.



Alejandro Garcia Castro
mailto: acastro igalia com

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