Re: [gnome-love] Compiling 2.15.4

On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 08:43:56 -0300, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:
Em Dom, 2006-07-23 às 09:10 +0100, Magnus Therning escreveu:
On Sat, Jul 22, 2006 at 16:29:20 -0600, Elijah Newren wrote:
On 7/21/06, Magnus Therning <magnus therning org> wrote:
I followed the instructions at (substituting URLs of
course). jhbuild bootstrap succeeded, but

 % jhbuild -m  build
 jhbuild list: dependent module "libdaemon" not found
 usage: jhbuild [ -f config ] command [ options ... ]

The moduleset was broken; I've put libdaemon back in the freedesktop
modules file again in that directory on the server.  It should work

Thanks for catching this.

My pleasure :-)

I copied the entry from another freedesktop modules myself after
figuring out a bit more how the whole thing works. It allowed me to move
on to the next problem:

gtk+ configure complained about no libtiff. I modified its autogenargs
to include --without-libtiff. I didn't even try installing the correct
dev package on my system. (Should libtiff be added to the

libdaemon configure complained about missing lynx. I installed it.
(Should lynx be added to the pre-requisites?)

avahi configure first complained about gdbm. Installing libgdbm-dev
solved that.

Then it complained about D-Bus bindings for Python. Installing the
distro packages for this did no good, I assume that is since jhbuild
pulls in its own python, right? Adding --disable-python-dbus allowed me
to move on.

Then it complained about gdbm bindings for Python. This is where I gave
up. :-(

It should work if you rebuild python after libgdbm-dev was installed.

Yes, that seemed to work. I'm a little disappointed 'jhbuild' didn't
check it as part of its sanitycheck :(

What about the python-dbus, how do I get it?


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org             Jabber: magnus therning gmail com

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