[gnome-love] Giving up on compiling GNOME :( [Was: Compiling 2.15.4]

As you've seen I've struggle dover the last few weeks with compiling
GNOME, first 2.15.4 then 2.15.90.  It's been painful, though still a bit
of fun.  In the end it turned out to be too much work.

All I really wanted was to grab epiphany from CVS and compile it.  It
seemed like a good idea to take the road less travelled and compile all
of GNOME 2.15 to make sure I got all the dependencies.  It turns out the
road less travelled is so for a reason.

I still managed to compile epiphany, but I based it on Debian's own
packages as far as I could---I only used jhbuild to compile glib and
gtk+.  That was all I needed in the end.


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org             Jabber: magnus therning gmail com

Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.
     -- Albert Einstein

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