Re: Mentoring? (was: Re: [gnome-love] newbie)

On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 12:45:21PM +0200, Alejandro Andres wrote:
On 4/28/06, Joachim Noreiko <jnoreiko yahoo com> wrote:
Florian Rivoal a écrit :
I'd be very glad to find such a "mentor", who
would tell me something
like: "So we're working on *****, and here is
basicaly how it works:
[...]. But the **** module would need some love to
get to the point
where it can do ****. I suggest you try to ***
using ***. And get back
to me if there's something you're not sure about.
I'll point you to the
proper doc, or explain if there is no such doc."

Would a mentoring scheme like that be a good idea to
try and set up?
What does everyone else think?

I would love to have something like that, but maybe it will get a lot
of developer's time. Maybe there should be a group specialiced in
gnome-loving or, as projects sometimes have a HACKING file, they should
have a GNOME-LOVE file...

Ah, that's not a bad idea.

Also, another good idea is that Gnome lovers should help each other, so
maybe a gnome-loving special gruop should be fine! :)

I'd suggest that it starts on this list, the traffic here isn't too
large. Create a separate list when, and if the need arises.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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