Re: [gnome-love] Clueless when facing GObject

On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 08:57:13PM +0300, Yaron Tausky wrote:
Hi there,

I wish to write a GNOME IM client -- mainly as a project for myself, I
doubt if would be interested in my code -- yet I'm not quite sure about
the architecture. GObject seems VERY complicated, and I couldn't find
any tutorial about it beside the included documentation. Should I
structure the programme as collection of classes (as in C++) and
implement each and every one of them as a GObject? Should I do it only
for key classes, and do the rest (helpers, etc.) in the old fashion C

Also, I wondered if there's a platform library for handling of
networking. I know Evolution uses libsoup, but I don't think it's a
part of the platform.

GObject /seems/ very complicated because it's in C. The concepts are
not. (At least not for someone with some experience of OO programming,
like you seem to have.)

The Glib Object system document at

is an excellent introduction, but in the end you'll have to get your
hands dirty to really get it.

I would suggest treating your problem in a pragmatic OO way. I.e. use
objects where it makes sense, don't go overboard.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org

Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.

Software engineering? That's like military intelligence, isn't it?

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