Re: [gnome-love] location manager

El sáb, 28-06-2003 a las 02:51, matteo escribió:

That looks very nice, but:
- it doesn't allow entering 2 DNS servers, which most ISPs have
- it doesn't allow changing wireless parameters
- it should probably have some kind of integration into the panel to
able to switch locations quickly (that's something missing from the
network config tool)
- it should probably also allow changing the proxy parameters
One thing that I forgot:
Do not use glade's code generation, use libglade!

well, thank you so much for your answer, so i'm starting to mess up 
with libglade!

Also you should try to do a front end for laptop-network or laptop-net
both are available with Debian....


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Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
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