[gnome-love] Glib 2.0 / GObject start-point

Hi there.

Have been knocking around with Gtk1.2's tutorial for a bit, and seem to
be on top of most things there.  What interests me most in GTK 2.0 (for
now) is the GObject stuff:  I'd like to get to know it better (I come
from a Python background, C not having OO is a little odd for me :) ). 
Why Gtk 2.0?  Well, learning 1.2 seems a bit redundant given that lots
will change for 2.0 ...

The problem is that the GObject 2.0 API reference is pretty heavy
reading when I can't see how things fit together.

Are there any reasonably accessible .c files using GObject in a
clean-ish way that would provide a good starting point for me to read
on?  Ideally, I'd like to get to grips with it and then write a mini-tut
for those in the same position, but I don't really know where to start.

Any ideas?

(bradley shuttleworth)
brads debating org za

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