[gnome-love] Re: [Nautilus-list] GNOME user environment brainstorming

Em 24 May 2001 15:48:04 -0400, Havoc Pennington escreveu:

This is a magic folder along the lines of current ~/Nautilus. Calling
it "Start Here" for now. Our screenshot is of a Red Hat incarnation
with a couple RH-specific features. It would contain things such as:

 - System Settings
     (using Darin's prefs vs. settings distinction; systemwide
      settings that can be gotten wrong, vs. user prefs that
      can't. e.g. dialup networking setup, time and date, etc.
      Probably would contain Red Hat specific tools in our
      distribution, but Ximian Setup Tools could also go here)

This item should be distribution/vendor-specific.  So in RedHat this
would show RH tools, in SuSE would show YaST, in Conectiva would show
linuxconf and so on.
 - Network Server Configuration
     (Red Hat specific probably; Apache, Bind, etc. config tools. 
      jrb argues that it should not be split from System Settings,
      the argument for the split is that System Settings is oriented
      toward all users, this folder contains tools for admins
      doing server config)

I think the same idea I explained earlier applies here.
One question is whether you can edit Start Here like a normal folder;
allowing that would make it more difficult to do upgrades between OS
versions where you add/remove Start Here items, and might cause people
to lose things and wonder where they went. Don't know.

Start Here shouldn't be a normal folder. In an ideal situation, Start
Here shouldn't be a physical folder at all. Start Here should be a
'virtual folder'.

 - desktop is for:
    - user shortcuts to programs, etc.

I personally think that desktop isn't the place for user shortcuts, but
- GNOME theme in Nautilus by default
- GNOME theme in Mozilla by default

So the system will have a "default theme"? Looks interesting.

My Identity

- have control panel in user prefs folder to do "chfn" sort of stuff:
   - give your full name
   - give your phone number, office, address, etc.
   - lets you set your GDM face (right now we have a separate tool for
     this, should maybe be in a general "Identity" control panel)

- On desktop, perhaps show "Havoc Pennington's Home" instead of 
  "hp's Home"

I prefer this to be user-configurable. Some will prefer the long name,
some will prefer the short name, and some (like me) will prefer
something more esoteric.


- Start Here folder replacing ~/Nautilus; maybe implemented as
  ~/Nautilus, or maybe it should be implemented as special start:
  URI, don't know

I prefer the start: URI (at least to be coherent with my idea of a
virtual folder).

- Downplay web browser aspect; Mozilla/Galeon encouraged for real
  browsing. (Alternative: follow Galeon and try to be a full web
  browser, but seems like it would cause a lot of clutter.)

I see Nautilus web view as a 'quick peek', if you want something better
you'll use a real web browser. I doesn't see any problems on maintaining
this attitude.

- make the Print Screen key take a screenshot

Hm, this is REALLY important :-)

Cesar Cardoso - cesarcardoso ig com br - ICQ 32237133
* Colabore com o racionamento de energia. Mantenha a TV desligada. *

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