Re: Preventing network scans once connected via libnm

On Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 12:46:24AM +0000, Charles Lohr via networkmanager-list wrote:
In our application, we need to maintain connection to an AP and it needs to stay low latency for a variety 
of reasons.  Whenever networks are scanned, for us they create an unacceptable level of latency (>50ms in 
many cases) on the connection.

Sometimes we stop NetworkManager from running with `pkill -STOP NetworkManager` and `pkill -CONT 
NetworkManager` but, for a variety of reasons this is disadvantageous.

I've seen references to people online saying you can prevent scanning once connected by specifying a BSSID, 
but I don't see how that can be done with libnm.

Currently we use the following, where path can be gotten from either a scan or `nm_connection_get_path`

nm_client_activate_connection_async ( m_pClient, conn, (NMDevice*)m_pDevice, sAccessPointPath.c_str(), 
nullptr, []( GObject* pObj, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer pContext ) {...} );

What mechanism can we use to specify that a given path should lock it's BSSID when using NetworkManager via 


to disable scanning, you can set the property
NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_BSSID of the setting NMSettingWireless to the AP's
BSSID when the connection profile is created. To get the AP's BSSID
use nm_access_point_get_bssid().

References: ("bssid property")

Second question:  Are there any mechanisms we can use to lock out other apps from requesting scans from 
NetworkManager?  This solution would be preferred for our application because scans have such a significant 
impact on the system.  Or is there a way to just outright disable all scanning via NetworkManger for a 
period of time?

If the feature is enabled at build time, NM can use polkit to
authorize D-Bus requests. In particular, there is a "Wi-Fi scan"
permission that grants access to scans. I think you can use polkit
rules to restrict the access to a certain user or process; however,
note that any process running as root bypasses polkit checks and is
always authorized.

References: (nmcli general permissions)


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