Re: Does NetworkManager support WiFi 6 IEEE 802.11ax USB wireless adapters?

I think WiFi 6 is still using 5 GHz frequency band if I am not wrong.

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore

On Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 02:07, Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com> wrote:

On Sun, 2022-07-24 at 22:05 +0800, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming via
networkmanager-list wrote:
Subject: Does NetworkManager support WiFi 6 IEEE 802.11ax USB
wireless adapters?

Good day from Singapore,

Does NetworkManager support WiFi 6 IEEE 802.11ax USB wireless


I actually don't know. Would would be required for that?
I think you cannot select 6 GHz bands.

The lower layers are basically all handled by wpa_supplicant. Where
would NetworkManager need to care?


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