I'd like to use the upstream DHCP server when using network sharing.

I'd like to use the upstream DHCP server when using network sharing.

Is this possible?

I’m sharing an interface and the Wi-Fi connects to either a home/small-office router which serves DHCP, or it connects to an access point which passed DHCP requests to a corporate server.

I have changed the shared dnsmasq configuration to listen just on the shared interface.  It was listening on all interfaces (except lo).  This interfere with other instances of dnsmasq on the machine.

However, I can’t get the dnsmasq to proxy or relay or anything up through the Wi-Fi.

What would happen if I had dnsmasq listen on some other interface?  Would DHCP traffic just travel up the share?

Suggestions are very welcome.



Mark K Vallevand

Unisys | 651-635-7708 | mark vallevand unisys com




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