Re: ethernet connection

I don't see any use of such feature. As long as both connections are DHCP-based, you don't need to bother where you are.

And, as far as I remember, your mac-address is not assigned --- it's hardcoded to your network device. There's very little advantage on changing it, IMHO.

Maybe if you explain a little more what do you want to do?

Em qua., 12 de fev. de 2020 Ă s 18:37, <read shrl nl> escreveu:
Is there a way to configure two wired connections. One for my home
network (assigned-mac-address=permanent) and one for all other wired
connections (assigned-mac-address=random) in a manner at which
networkmanager autodetects if the wired connection is at my home


Jaap van Wingerde
e-mail: read shrl nl

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