Re: Network Manager 1.0.X Wi-Fi Autoconnect Issues

On Tue, 2017-06-13 at 16:13 +0000, Matthew Starr wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Williams [mailto:dcbw redhat com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 10:10 AM
To: Matthew Starr; networkmanager-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Network Manager 1.0.X Wi-Fi Autoconnect Issues

On Wed, 2017-05-31 at 19:50 +0000, Matthew Starr wrote:
Now it is back to reconnecting every time when the AP is back in
after an hour of it being out of range.  Here are the logs for
when it
is working with the latest debug patch.  At 19:35:02 it failed to
connect because I forgot to reattach the antenna, but it
okay 30 seconds later when the antenna was connected.

Let me know what you would like to try next.

FYI I haven't forgotten about this, I hope to send a new test patch



Thanks for all your help so far.  Have you got a chance to generate a
new patch?

Attached... same drill.


Attachment: avail-debug6.patch
Description: Text Data

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