Re: How to avoid using policy kit with openvpn

On Wed, 2016-11-23 at 17:25 +0200, matti kaasinen wrote:
Version information:
OpenVPN: 2.3.8
NetworkManager: 1.0.10
ModemManager 1.4.12
If these are single-user systems, you can rebuild NM with PolicyKit
disabled so that it never validates requests against PolicyKit.

Could you 'nmcli g log level debug' on a problem machine and grab some
log output from before and after the error?


2016-11-23 16:37 GMT+02:00 matti kaasinen <matti kaasinen gmail com>:


I do have kind of manager of NetworkManager who amongst of other
tries to connect modem automatically because my devices are
embedded cards
located somewhere in nowhere. These cards communicate to server
OpenVpn tunnel. This modem connection process worked quite well
untill I
tried using it with OpenVpn. It seems that I can't use
AddAndActivateConnection method anymore (python api) as I do get
now "Got
"PolicyKit authorization failed" error message at the point where I
try to
access PIN. This does not happen if OpenVpn is not activated. I
tried to
use following option in NetworkManager.conf file:


Any suggestions appreciated!


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