Re: signal for interface up/down

Hi again,

of NetworkManager.  You'd match on the signal (member) name
"StateChanged", and look for object paths starting with
"/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/" and an interface of

The Device.StateChanged signal arguments are documented in the NM D-Bus
API; they are new-state (uint), old-state (uint), and reason (uint).

So once you know you've got a device state change signal, you can read
the new-state argument and you'll know when the device is activated or

ok, got all devices and their properties, connected to the StateChanged
signal for every device, but now, when such a signal is thrown, how do I
know what device it belongs to? I know the old and new state and the
reason, but not the device.
Does every single device need its own signal handler?


Michael Hirmke

Michael Hirmke

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