Re: Changing the dnsmasq options for a shared wifi access point?

On Sat, 2016-01-30 at 17:15 +0000, Ashley Collins wrote:

I have set up an access point connection to share my Ubuntu 15.10
laptop's network via wifi. I works really well and I can connect
Android and other devices to it.

I would like to change the default route given out by dnsmasq for the
connection and I'd also like to add a static route to it via the address so devices can get to it.

Is that possible?


[[ I already said on IRC, repeating just for the sake of the list. ]]

I think it is currently not possible.

Looking at the source [1], shows you how NM calls dnsmasq and that
there is no easy way to configure that further.

Patches for configuring the shared mode further would be welcome, but
it needs some thought what to achieve in detail.

As workaround, I would create a wrapper script that calls dnsmasq and amending/extending the command line 
arguments as needed.



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