Re: Ensuring predictable MAC address for bond interface

On Mon, 2014-10-06 at 12:51 -0700, Ed Swierk wrote:
I'm using NetworkManager on a server with two wired Ethernet interfaces
(eth0 and eth1) configured as slaves of a bond in active-backup mode. I'd
like the bond interface to always be assigned eth0's MAC address.

This is easy with old-school static network configuration like ifupdown:
just make eth0 the first slave of the bond interface, and Linux will copy
eth0's MAC address to the bond.

When NetworkManager starts up and reads system-interface config files, it
creates the bond interface right away, but doesn't add a slave until it
notices that the slave's link is up (i.e. carrier is 1). And of course the
link state depends on lots of things, like whether a cable is plugged in
and the state of the switch or host at the other end. Thus whether eth0 or
eth1 gets enslaved to the bond first is unpredictable, meaning the bond
interface's MAC address is unpredictable. This is troublesome in some
environments, such as ones where a DHCP server assigns IP addresses based
on the MAC address of the client.

Does setting the "primary" bond option when in active-backup mode to
"eth0" make things better?  In nm-connection-editor it'll be in the page
for Bond options, in nmtui it'll be in about the same place, and in
nmcli you'd do:

nmcli con mod Bond1 +bond.options "primary=eth0"

and then re-activate the connection.  Let me know if that does/doesn't
help.  (note; this may only work with 0.9.10+)


NetworkManager already treats a bond slave interface differently when its
link goes down, leaving it in DISCONNECTED state rather than switching it
to UNAVAILABLE. So there's precedent for having a bond interface with one
or more link-down slave interfaces. I think the easiest way to achieve a
stable MAC address is to extend that behavior to the startup case: as soon
as NetworkManager sees an interface that's configured as a bond slave, it
should move it from UNAVAILABLE to DISCONNECTED. That way the first
configured slave interface, rather than the first one with link up, is
enslaved to the bond.

I couldn't figure out a way to configure this in NetworkManager,
nor in mainline code. As a proof of concept, I hacked
nm_device_state_changed() in src/nm-device.c: in the second switch(state),
UNAVAILABLE case, I force the transition to DISCONNECTED for eth0 and eth1.
This works as I'd hoped: both interfaces are enslaved right away, with eth0
always first.

I didn't see any easy way to implement this behavior cleanly, though. This
new behavior should apply only to bond slave interfaces. At the point where
nm_device_state_changed() is called, there's not yet a corresponding
connection for eth0 or eth1, so I can't check whether the interface is
configured as a bond slave. I thought I'd ask for advice before spending
more time on this.

Any help would be appreciated!

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