Re: Question about cgdcont --> ip, ipv4v6, ipv6 --> MM--> NM?

Am Dienstag, 30. September 2014, 15:50:00 schrieben Sie:

You configure the IPv4 and IPv6 methods, and optionally set "may-fail".
The logic is in
src/devices/wwan/nm-modem.c::nm_modem_get_connection_ip_type().  So, if
your modems supports IPV4V6:

ip4-method=auto, ip6-method=auto => IPV4V6
ip4-method=auto, ip6-method=ignore => IP
ip4-method=disabled, ip6-method=auto => IPV6

I have looked into the connection-file, there was already "auto" for both IPv4 
and IPv6.
One device used only v4, a other did not work at all.
I think there is lot of test-effort to do. Unfortunately I don't know how to 
start here, the dependencies are very complex ( my latest attempts I made on a 
live-USB-image of Opensuse Beta 13.2) 

Does anybody know a cd/usb-image with the newest usb-modeswitch-data, 
qmi/mbim-lib, mm, nm, nm-connection-editor,dbus, polkit ....,

or an other "easy way" to test with most recent versions - together?
 ( with easy possibility to make nm and mm to be verbose, so I can you send 
the log/debugfiles)



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