Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:14:26 -0500
From: "Yves S. Garret" <yoursurrogategod gmail com>
To: networkmanager-list gnome org
Subject: Fwd: Having a hard time with NetworkManager on ArchLinux
<CAJ=2b05Fe587-G+7sM_8b3eLXCqChgV9H05oBuSMDfXb8VwYQQ mail gmail com>
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Hello Nate,
Thanks for writing back.
I did what you instructed and this is the result of the command that you
# systemctl list-unit-files | grep -i network
netctl network_connectio_at_home service enabled
NetworkManager-dispatcher.service disabled
NetworkManager-wait-online.service disabled
NetworkManager.service disabled static static
I would suggest stopping and disabling the netctl service you have
listed above. Netctl and NetworkManager are both automatic network
management applications. Having your system bring up a netctl
management connection only to be stopped when you start
NetworkManager is probably what is causing the majority your
issues. Also, enable and start NetworkManager.service as Thomas
suggested, which is the main systemd service for NetworkManager.
Whenever I bring up NetworkManager (not any other services), my manually
established connection dies and I would need to go through re-establishing
it anew. At first I was not getting NetworkManager to work as I wanted it
to, which is why I tried messing with NetworkManager-wait-online (I'm new
to ArchLinux and to the deeper portions of Linux internals, hence this
decision out of frustration and not knowing what else to do.)
If you open a terminal and run 'nm-connection-editor', this will
allow you to manage your home and library wireless connections.
Check to ensure that your home wireless connection is configured to
connect automatically. Thomas suggested right-clicking the
nm-applet icon in your system tray, but different desktop
environments sometimes tailor the network settings GUI to have
additional or fewer options than what is available in
NetworkManager, whereas nm-connection-editor is part of
If there is anything else that I'm missing, please let me know. I'll
disable the wait-online, I don't think I need it.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yves S. Garret <yoursurrogategod gmail com>
Date: Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:20 PM
Subject: Having a hard time with NetworkManager on ArchLinux
To: networkmanager-list gnome org
Hello everyone,
I'd really like to be able to better manager my network connections on my
laptop. At the library, there is no authentication. At home, I do have
WAP authentication. Going from one to another is anything but smooth.
I've been following this example online:
However, when I got to the part about NetworkManager-wait-online, I
encountered these issues:
Thoughts on how to fix this problem? Or, if you know of a better
tutorial/guide, I'd love to hear about it.
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