How to get the D-bus path of the settings of a connection ?

I have successfully created and deleted adhoc networks from the glib API thanks to Dan help. However my test program suffers from one problem: the network connection configurations get stored in the network manager memory and pollute the user interface. Thus I try to call org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection.Delete for a certain NMConnection object without any success so far. I can see in the D-bus (with qdbusviewer) the configuration for a single network connection and I am able to call the Delete method on it (because I can see it appears when the setting configuration is recorded).
However I do not know how to get the number (x) in the path that appears at
in order to create a proxy for that "Settings.Connection object" and call the Delete method on it later. First I would like to know if there is a way to get the path of the object storing the org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection from the glib API ?

I was first thinking that it may be a NMSettingConnection object. I was able to access it but I was only able to get the uuid or the human name of the connection. I also tried the nm_connection_get_path on the NMConnection object but I get a NULL string.
I am quite stuck now and any help would be much appreciated.

- all the best,



Manuel Yguel

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