Re: [PATCH] Allow NetworkManager-SSH plugin

On Thu, 2013-03-21 at 11:13 +1100, Dan Fruehauf wrote:
Thanks for that guys.

Sounds like the best thing to do is to actually allow the installed VPN
plugins to control that configuration. i.e. every VPN plugin can provide a
DBUS file that will allow itself to communicate with NetworkManager.
However with the one file - one policy type of configuration in dbus it'll
be rather difficult.

On the other hand, try to count all the "famous" VPN protocols you know
today, there aren't that many. I don't expect 500 plugins popping up
tomorrow, so perhaps keeping it the way it is is not too bad and we can
have our efforts invested in more important things.

But that's just my humble opinion.

Yeah, best thing to do is probably to have the plugins themselves
provide the configuration.  However, I can't recall the historic reasons
we didn't do that, possibly upgrade-related, though the note there says:

<!-- Allow NM to talk to known VPN plugins; due to a bug in
     the D-Bus daemon, when a plugin is installed and the user
     immediately tries to use it, the VPN plugin's rules aren't
     always loaded into dbus-daemon.  Those rules allow NM to
     talk to the plugin.  Oops.  Work around that by explicitly
     allowing NM to talk to VPN plugins here.

This was a huge bug back in the day, and i'm not 100% confident that
it's actually been solved in the bus daemon yet.  If it was, then we
could get rid of this block.

Even though NM includes this bit, the VPN plugins themselves should
still provide their own D-Bus permissions files.



On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Pavel Simerda <psimerda redhat com> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Fruehauf" <malkodan gmail com>
Hey there,

I'm planning to submit NetworkManager-SSH to Fedora (hopefully) and
would like to submit that patch that just allows also the SSH plugin
to coexist with NetworkManager.

I see no reply on the mailing list but I see your patch pushed to both
master and nm-0-9-8 branches by Dan Williams.

I just wonder whether we actually need to maintain a whitelist for
NetworkManager VPN plugins or whether the NetworkManager package could be
made plugin-agnostic.



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