Re: [PATCH] nm-device: Remove bogus warning

Dear Colin,

thank you for the patch!

Am Dienstag, den 18.06.2013, 16:47 -0400 schrieb Colin Walters:
This code was broken when it landed with commit
fcc441622ae2632b9b36f352621cfd3baf34dc85 ; it was then later
updated with 2318b3c5252403a52973eae70c32ff715c7994e7

Hmm, I am not good at memorizing commit hashes. In some projects the
commit summary is also pasted and only the first 8 characters of the
commit hash put in parentheses.

But the assertion is just clearly wrong - if we're going to clear the
previously queued state transition anyways, let's stop warning about

Good find. The comment suggests though that this is not the intended
behavior, right? So some kind of warning is warranted?

With what device do you get the warning? I have not seen it.

 src/devices/nm-device.c |    1 -
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Is there a reason, why you attach the patch. Using Evolution, I always
paste the whole content from the `git format-patch …` output into the
message. Then I need to change the formatting from normal to
pre-formatted to avoid automatic line breaks and it works. Putting it in
the message makes replying and interleaved commenting easier. So just a



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