Re: ModemManager: sending special SMS

On Sun, 2013-04-21 at 17:45 +0200, Davide Depau wrote:
I'm writing a little bash application that uses ModemManager (through
Python) to perform basic operations using a GSM modem like a phone or an
internet key.
I would like to enable my application to send custom SMS types, like flash
messages (class 0 SMS, which are not stored by default and which are
immediately shown on the display), VCard/Calendar messages, and SMS with
custom content. like little pictures, ringtones, links, bookmarks and
internet settings.
I would also like to enable it to receive those messages, along with
standard SMS, as well.

You can set the 'class' when creating an SMS with ModemManager 0.7/0.8.
To send binary data instead of text, use the 'data' property instead of
the 'text' property when creating the SMS, which works in all versions
of MM.  Receipt of these messages should work in most cases, if it
doesn't we can surely debug.


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