Re: [PATCH] Allow NetworkManager-SSH plugin

From: "Dan Fruehauf" <malkodan gmail com>
My findings so far about that matter, regarding VPN plugins for
NetworkManager and their dbus policies.
1. Vanilla /etc/dbus-1/system.d (without the SSH rules)
2. Things don't work
3. Adding the nm-ssh-service.conf file (to allow SSH access)
4. Still things won't work
5. pgrep dbus-daemon | xargs kill -HUP
6. Things still won't work
7. Adding the specific rule in org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf
8. pgrep dbus-daemon | xargs kill -HUP
9. Things still don't work
10. /bin/systemctl reload NetworkManager.service
11. We're good to go

Looks like it's nice to add this patch, but altogether a restart for
NetworkManager will be required if you install a new VPN plugin with
policies that were not included in org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf

Mmmmm. What can we do about it?

Supposedly new plugins can request a restart for NetworkManager (in their
%post) section, but that's rather ugly. Any other suggestions?

I used to think that dbus was a great tool. Until I started actually using it. Unfortunately my knowledge of 
dbus internals are poor but this looks like a bug or at least a missing feature with dbus. Hope someone 
corrects me and says it's properly fixable in NetworkManager.


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