Re: Grrrr ... dhcpd6

On 09/28/2012 08:15 AM, Pavel Simerda wrote:
You*may*  be right. But, unfortunately, I have been playing with DHCPv6
implementations and there wasn't one that I would actually like. Except
ISC DHCP which works for me but needs improvement.
Give dnsmasq a look. It seems that not only NetworkManager using it as a caching name server but libvirt is using if not dependent on it. Granted, it is nothing I would like trying to scale to "industrial size" networks, but it sure configures and works well. As Dan pointed out in another message, there is sudden activity on the dnsmasq discussion mailinglist to get its RA support to work better ... maybe even suplant the need for radvd to configure routes when dhcp supplies the address and dynamic dns.

You might want to consider adding it to the suite of tests you use. For my testing, I am using both named/dhcpd/dhcpd6 and dnsmasq (both requiring radvd).


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