Re: NM bug 684242 and other stuff

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Williams" <dcbw redhat com>
> To: "Gene Czarcinski" <gene czarc net>
> Cc: networkmanager-list gnome org
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 11:07:04 PM
> Subject: Re: NM bug 684242 and other stuff
> On Wed, 2012-09-26 at 14:56 -0400, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
> > On 09/26/2012 02:38 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> > > There's some example keyfiles here:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > manual IPv6 is for example:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > but that doesn't describe SLAAC.  For that, you just need:
> > >
> > > [ipv6]
> > > method=auto
> > What I am looking for (without diving into the Networkmanager code
> > any
> > more than I have too) is a keyfile configuration which will cause
> > RA to
> > be used for the default route

With method=auto, RA is always used for the default route.

> > and dhcpv6 for the client's IPv6 address

With method=auto, DHCPv6 address configuration is used after recieving
RA with AdvManagedFlag.

Like here (sorry for re-posting the same link):

> > and,m if dhclient is used with my mods, a ddns update.

DDNS updates alredy work for you with your patch and with DHCP enabled by AdvManagedFlag in
Router Advertisement, don't they?

> I believe (and either Pavel or Tore correct me if I'm wrong) that
> would
> should be:
> 1) Using Router Advertisements and possibly setting the prefix too
> 2) Setting the "Managed" flag for RA (AdvManagedFlag for radvd)
> 3) Setting NM to "method=auto"

> This should cause the kernel to recognize your router and add a route
> for it, but should not cause the kernel to use the prefix in the RA.
> The Managed flag will cause NM to perform DHCPv6 for address
> assignment
> and DNS options.  In IPv6 with SLAAC (including DHCP) the default
> router
> is *always* determined from Router Advertisements;


> that's the confusing
> bit for people used to IPv4.  In IPv6, the default router
> determination
> can be *completely* separate from address assignment.
> Note that if you use DHCPv6 for address assignment, you'll only ever
> be able to use /64, because that's all DHCPv6 supports.  The IPv6
> standards
> really, really, really want you to use RA as much as possible.

The fixed prefix length also applies to stateless config with RA. It's
defined by IPv6 Addressing Architecture and anyone who deviates from
it risks his equipment will react badly.

> > On the surface, I must say that I like keyfile a lot better than
> > the ifcfg-rh stuff.

Me too.

> Yeah, though at least on Fedora we're going to live with ifcfg files
> for
> a long long time.  Since that's what admins know, and that's what
> users
> know, and that's how the documentation (including Google search
> results)
> are written for.  It's hard to change collective knowledge.

I'm actually going to write some manpages for keyfiles. Would this be of
any help with the issue?

> Dan
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