Re: Multiple WLAN Routers with same SSID

On 09/21/2012 12:14 PM, Marius Kotsbak wrote:

On Sep 20, 2012 11:38 PM, "Petric Frank" <pfrank gmx de <mailto:pfrank gmx de>>
 > In fact (here in Germany) german telecom delivered WLAN-routers which all have
 > preset the same (E)SSID. Shall i go to every household (even if i can locate
 > them) in my environment to tell them to change their SSID ?

That is bad (but it seems like Linksys routers are the same), but you should be
able to change the SSID of the AP you use.

As far as I know, all routers from a given manufacturer come from the factory with the same ESSID and the same router password. It certainly is true for Netgear and Linksys, As Marius says, you should change the ESSID, and it is very important to change the password. If you don't, you may find that someone else will lock you out of your AP/router, and you will need to learn where the reset button is located. The default ESSID is a clue that the password might not have been changed.


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