Re: strange behaviour on wireless connection

On 01/25/2012 11:26 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-01-20 at 12:38 +0100, Arend van Spriel wrote:
>> In my wireless test setup I use nmcli. I get a number of warnings. I am
>> wondering why a "Get" is done for 'Vpn' property. This is a wireless
>> connection so it is probably expected to fail. Any hints are welcome.
>> Gr. AvS
>> -------------------------------
>> $ nmcli con up id smoke-net
>> ** (process:22937): WARNING **: fetch_connections_done: error fetching
>> user connections: (2) The name
>> org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings was not provided by any
>> .service files.
> This is normal if you're not running nm-applet or the KDE workspace
> network management stuff.

I guessed so. That one is always given and I am running the nmcli
command in a cron without anyone logged in on X session.

>> ** (process:22937): WARNING **: Error in getting active connection 'Vpn'
>> property: (19) Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface
>> "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist
> I think this is fixed about a year ago (in NM 0.8.4 and later); it's
> really the client libs asking whether this ActiveConnection is a VPN or
> not, and the Vpn property is what indicates that.  Can you run the
> following command when you see this, replacing the object path with the
> one from the error?
> dbus-send --system --print-reply
> --dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/XXXXX org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:"org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active"
> ie, replace the XXXXX with '9' here and tell me what you find.
> Dan

I will try. The machine is running Ubuntu 10.10 and it has NM 0.8.1.

Gr. AvS

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