Bearers in mixed CDMA+LTE modems


I believe we need a MMBearerType enum in the 0.6 API, so that we can
tell in CreateBearer() whether we want a 3GPP or CDMA (well, or POTS)
bearer. This property would be redundant for 3GPP-only, CDMA-only or
POTS-only modems, but would be mandatory if we have a mixed
3GPP(LTE)+CDMA bearer. This value would also be shown as a property in
the Bearer interface, so that we can know the type of the bearer behind
a given DBus path. Another possibility to avoid the new enum would be to
assume that if "apn" is given when creating the bearer, we want a 3GPP
bearer, while if no "apn" is given we really want a CDMA bearer. But not
sure I like to rely just on this "apn"-based logic. What do others think?

On a side note, during the Simple interface's Connect(), for the case of
mixed 3GPP+CDMA modems, we would create both a 3GPP and a CDMA bearer,
and then connect one or the other based on allowed/preferred modes
preferences and based on our registration status in each network. Seems
like a good start for the generic case.



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