Writing a new NM VPN plugin

Hi all,

For my work i need to use a new VPN service, which is not known from NM. This is forticlientsslvpn, from fortigate.
I just see that in the last version of the software they distribute, contain a cli binary. And i really want to use NM instead of the ugly way of thinking of the full forticlientssl vpn.

So i just started to checkout nm-openvpn and nm-vpnc to see how it's coded. I read before the design goal (http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/design_goals.html), and i agreed with everything.
I also read (https://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/ReleaseProcess), which seems very clear to me.

Is there another documentation to read before i can start to code ? Do you have some tips to give me, to be productive, and respect all aspect of NM project ?

Thx for all in advance,

Nicolas BLANC.

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