Re: modem-manager-cli

> In an email from a few months ago I saw a reference to a modem-manager cli.  Is this a publicly availble program?

It is not finished yet, but quite usable if you speak English (not
translated yet) and if you know how to clone a git repo and compile
ModemManager youself:

1. Clone git://
2. Checkout 'libmm' branch
3. Compile and install
4. mmcli --help-all

I attach the output of the --help-all command so that you can check what
it currently does.

I temporarily halted its development because we're planning to move to a
new DBus API, so it's a bit useless to keep writing it when we know the
API will change soon.

Anyway, maybe it's worth to merging it like it is? Even if not fully
functional, it already allows doing some things.


  lt-mmcli [OPTION…] - Control and monitor the ModemManager

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                          Show help options
  --help-all                                          Show all help options
  --help-manager                                      Show manager options
  --help-modem                                        Show modem options
  --help-modem-simple                                 Show simple modem options
  --help-modem-location                               Show location-related modem options
  --help-modem-gsm-card                               Show SIM card options

Manager options
  -G, --set-logging=[ERR,WARN,INFO,DEBUG]             Set logging level in the ModemManager daemon
  -L, --list-modems                                   List available modems
  -M, --monitor-modems                                List available modems and monitor additions and removals
  -S, --scan-modems                                   Request to re-scan looking for modems

Modem options
  -i, --info                                          Get information of a given modem
  -n, --network-config                                Get network configuration of a given modem
  -w, --monitor-state                                 Monitor state of a given modem
  -e, --enable                                        Enable a given modem
  -d, --disable                                       Disable a given modem
  -c, --connect=[NUMBER]                              Connect a given modem
  -x, --disconnect                                    Disconnect a given modem
  -r, --reset                                         Reset a given modem
  -f, --factory-reset=[CODE]                          Reset a given modem to its factory state

Simple Modem options
  --simple-get-status                                 Get status information of a given modem
  --simple-connect="{'k1': <i1>, 'k2'=<'s2'>...}"     Connect a given modem

Location options
  --location                                          Show the location gathered by a given modem
  --location-enable                                   Enable location gathering in a given modem
  --location-disable                                  Disable location gathering in a given modem
  --location-get-status                               Get location status of a given modem

SIM card options
  --card-get-imei                                     Get IMEI of the modem
  --card-get-imsi                                     Get IMSI of the SIM card
  --card-get-operator-id                              Get Operator ID of the SIM card
  --card-get-spn                                      Get service provider name of the card
  --pin=[PIN code]                                    Send current PIN to the card
  --puk=[PUK code]                                    Send current PUK to the card (must be used with `--pin')
  --enable-pin                                        Enable PIN request in the SIM card (must be used with `--pin')
  --disable-pin                                       Disable PIN request in the SIM card (must be used with `--pin')
  --change-pin=[New PIN code]                         Change current PIN code (must give the old PIN with `--pin')

Application Options:
  -V, --version                                       Print version
  -m, --modem                                         Specify modem by path or index
  -a, --async                                         Use asynchronous methods

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