nm-connection-editor working only as root

Dear All,

I just upgraded to version 0.9 of network manager and the
nm-connection-editor (running Debian). Since the upgrade:

a) None of my formerly defined connections are visible anymore.

b) I cannot add or edit connections as a regular user. If I try to add,
all boxes are greyed out.

c) Connections that, as root, I define to be usable to all users without
requiring a password still ask me for a password.

The weird thing is that, if I reinstall the previous version of the Debian
package that contains nm-connection-editor (network-manager-gnome 0.8.1),
then the old connections are visible and I can edit them. (But then the
whole thing does not work because of several incompatibilities).

I've tried installing and reinstalling, and rebooting, to no avail.

I think that nm-connection-editor (see, e.g.,
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=694334#c7) should work for
regular users. I also tried to add a new group and include an entry in
/etc/polkit-1, as commented in


but it has not helped.

And I have not been able to locate anything about changes in permissions,
etc, in the docs.

What can I do to recover all of my formerly defined connections and
editing by non-root users?



Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Department of Biochemistry
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Temporarily at:
Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)
Phone: +34-91-732-8000 ext. 3019
Fax: +-34-91-224-6972

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